Series regulars or semi-regulars in 'The Ted Knight Show' from 1970-1982:
- Cisse Cameron as Graziella (1978)
- Claude Stroud as Hobart Nalven (1978)
- Deborah Harmon as Joy (1978)
- Ellen Regan as Irma (1978)
- Fawne Harriman as Honey (1978)
- Iris Adrian as Dottie (1978)
- Janice Kent as Cheryl (1978)
- Norman Burton as Burt Dennis (1978)
- Tanya Boyd as Philadelphia Phil (1978)
- Ted Knight as Roger Dennis (1978)
- Tom Leopold as Winston Dennis (1978)
1970-1982 Episode Guide for 'The Ted Knight Show':
(Episodes with dates prior to 1970 aired as reruns.)
Season 1, episode 1
W: Barry Rubinowitz Series premiere. The girls strike when Mr. Dennis, escort service boss, refuses their demand for hazard pay to go out with the Wolves at their annual convention.
Season 1, episode 2
W: Cindy Santillo
With Art Metrano (Ace). After Roger does not give Graziella a raise he promised her, she signs a 30-year contract to work for his sleazy competitor.
Season 1, episode 3
With Jack Perkins (Peter), Billy Sands (Budd). Roger must deal with a drunken Easter bunny and is appalled when Winston decides to work at a tacky clothing store that Burt runs.
Season 1, episode 4
With Gloria DeHaven (Dolores), Anthony Eisely (Brandon), Earl Montgomery (Osgood). Roger gets Honey to pose as his glamorous girlfriend at his ex-wife's wedding.
Season 1, episode 5
W: Richard Rosenstock D: Jerry Paris
With Reb Brown (Cliff), Wendy Hoffman (Carol), Sara Slack (Victoria). When a mature-looking young woman approaches the Mr. Dennis Escort Service seeking an escort to a party, she insists that Roger rather than Winston escort her. When Roger arrives at the party, he discovers that his client is only 16 years old, that it is her sweet sixteen party, and that she is using him to make her boyfriend jealous.
Season 1, episode 6
W: Susan Sisko
With Bo Kaprall (Chuck), Lee Bryant (Helen), Sam Freed (Frankie), Nora Eckstein (Carol). A woman hires Roger as her escort and cons him into pretending to be her husband on a television game show. (Last show of the series.)