. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Tom Hume

Born: March 29, 1953, Cincinnati, OH

Height: 6'1" Weight: 185 Bats: Right Throws: Right

College: Manatee JC

Click on the year to see the player's game log and splits for that season. Click on the team to see that team's roster and stats.

Pitching Statistics

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Year  Team            Lg  Age  W   L    ERA    G  GS  CG  MI  GF  SV  SHO    IP    H   BFP    R   ER  HR   UW  IW  HP   SO
1977  Cincinnati      NL  24   3   3   7.12   14   5   0   7   2   0   0   43.0   54   197   36   34   5   14   3   0   22 
1978  Cincinnati      NL  25   8  11   4.14   42  23   3  11   8   1   0  174.0  198   750   89   80  12   41   9   4   90 
1979  Cincinnati      NL  26  10   9   2.76   57  12   2  12  33  17   0  163.0  162   669   54   50  12   24   9   0   80 
1980  Cincinnati      NL  27   9  10   2.56   78   0   0  16  62  25   0  137.0  121   554   44   39   6   24  14   3   68 
1981  Cincinnati      NL  28   9   4   3.46   51   0   0  11  40  13   0   67.2   63   281   27   26   7   22   9   1   27 
1982  Cincinnati      NL  29   2   6   3.11   46   0   0   9  37  17   0   63.2   57   263   24   22   2   13   8   1   22 
1983  Cincinnati      NL  30   3   5   4.77   48   0   0  15  33   9   0   66.0   66   301   40   35   8   30  11   3   34 
1984  Cincinnati      NL  31   4  13   5.64   54   8   0  23  23   3   0  113.1  142   518   83   71  14   32   9   1   59 
1985  Cincinnati      NL  32   3   5   3.26   56   0   0  41  15   3   0   80.0   65   331   33   29   7   30   5   3   50 
1986  Philadelphia    NL  33   4   1   2.77   48   1   0  38   9   4   0   94.1   89   402   37   29   5   29   5   3   51 
1987  Philadelphia    NL  34   1   4   5.60   38   6   0  29   3   0   0   70.2   75   325   48   44  10   36   5   4   29 
1987  Cincinnati      NL  34   1   0   4.05   11   0   0   9   2   0   0   13.1   14    54    6    6   0    2   0   1    4 
TOTALS                        57  71   3.85  543  55   5 221 267  92   0 1086.0 1106  4645  521  465  88  297  87  24  536
Pitcher data: *: Throws lefthanded; W: Wins; L: Losses; ERA: Earned run average; G: Games; GS: Games started; CG: Complete games; MI: Middle relief (games not started nor finished); GF: Games finished in relief; SV: Saves; SHO: Shutouts; IP: Innings pitched; H: Hits allowed; BFP: Batters faced; R: Runs allowed; ER: Earned runs; HR: Home runs allowed; UW: Unintentional walks; IW: Intentional walks; HP: Hit batters; SO: Strikeouts

Pitching Statistics (Batters' format)

Year  Team            Lg    G    AB    R    H   TB  2B  3B  HR  RBI  SH  SF  SB  CS   UW  IW  HP   SO  DP    BA   SLG   OBP
1977  Cincinnati      NL   14   177   36   54   86  13   2   5        2   1   6   1   14   3   0   22   1  .305  .486  .364  
1978  Cincinnati      NL   42   684   89  198  282  42   3  12        7   5  12  12   41   9   4   90  12  .289  .412  .339  
1979  Cincinnati      NL   57   618   54  162  239  33   4  12        9   9   6   2   24   9   0   80  17  .262  .387  .295  
1980  Cincinnati      NL   78   505   44  121  170  25   3   6        7   1  13   8   24  14   3   68  10  .240  .337  .296  
1981  Cincinnati      NL   51   243   27   63   93   9   0   7        4   2   6   2   22   9   1   27  10  .259  .383  .343  
1982  Cincinnati      NL   46   233   24   57   72   7   1   2        5   3   3   1   13   8   1   22   6  .245  .309  .306  
1983  Cincinnati      NL   48   250   40   66  106  16   0   8        3   4   7   1   30  11   3   34   6  .264  .424  .369  
1984  Cincinnati      NL   54   459   83  142  221  23   7  14       11   6  25   6   32   9   1   59   5  .309  .481  .363  
1985  Cincinnati      NL   56   290   33   65   99   5   4   7        2   1  16   3   30   5   3   50  12  .224  .341  .313  
1986  Philadelphia    NL   48   353   37   89  125  17   2   5        5   7  20   3   29   5   3   51   8  .252  .354  .317  
1987  Philadelphia    NL   38   271   48   75  124  15   2  10        7   2   6   2   36   5   4   29   7  .277  .458  .377  
1987  Cincinnati      NL   11    48    6   14   20   4   1   0        1   2   2   0    2   0   1    4   2  .292  .417  .321  
Pitcher data (batters' format): G: Games pitched; AB: At bats; R: Runs allowed; H: Hits; TB: Total bases; 2B: Doubles; 3B: Triples; HR: Home runs; RBI: Runs batted in; SH: Sacrifice hits; SF: Sacrifice flies; SB: Stolen bases; CS: Caught stealing; UW: Unintentional walks; IW: Intentional walks; HP: Hit by pitch; SO: Strikeouts; DP: Double plays grounded into; BA: Batting average; SLG: Slugging percentage; OBP: On base percentage

Batting Statistics

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Year  Team            Lg  Age   G   AB    R    H   TB  2B  3B  HR  RBI  SH  SF  SB  CS   UW  IW  HP   SO  DP    BA   SLG   OBP
1977  Cincinnati      NL  24   14   10    1    2    5   0   0   1    1   2   0   0   0    0   0   0    2   0  .200  .500  .200
1978  Cincinnati      NL  25   43   45    2    3    3   0   0   0    3   8   0   0   0    2   0   0   21   1  .067  .067  .106
1979  Cincinnati      NL  26   57   46    1    8    9   1   0   0    4   1   0   0   0    1   0   0   17   0  .174  .196  .191
1980  Cincinnati      NL  27   78   16    2    3    5   2   0   0    4   1   0   0   0    0   0   0    5   0  .188  .313  .188
1981  Cincinnati      NL  28   51    4    0    0    0   0   0   0    0   0   0   0   0    0   0   0    2   0  .000  .000  .000
1982  Cincinnati      NL  29   46    5    0    0    0   0   0   0    0   0   0   0   0    0   0   0    2   0  .000  .000  .000
1983  Cincinnati      NL  30   48    5    0    0    0   0   0   0    0   1   0   0   0    0   0   0    2   0  .000  .000  .000
1984  Cincinnati      NL  31   54   22    1    3    3   0   0   0    1   0   0   0   0    1   0   0    8   1  .136  .136  .174
1985  Cincinnati      NL  32   56    5    0    0    0   0   0   0    0   0   0   0   0    0   0   0    2   0  .000  .000  .000
1986  Philadelphia    NL  33   48   11    0    0    0   0   0   0    0   5   0   0   0    0   0   0    6   0  .000  .000  .000
1987  Philadelphia    NL  34   38   15    1    3    4   1   0   0    0   0   0   0   0    0   0   0    4   1  .200  .267  .200
1987  Cincinnati      NL  34   11    0    0    0    0   0   0   0    0   0   0   0   0    0   0   0    0   0  .000  .000  .000
TOTALS                        544  184    8   22   29   4   0   1   13  18   0   0   0    4   0   0   71   3  .120  .158  .138
Batter data: G: Games played; AB: At bats; R: Runs scored; H: Hits; TB: Total bases; 2B: Doubles; 3B: Triples; HR: Home runs; RBI: Runs batted in; SH: Sacrifice hits; SF: Sacrifice flies; SB: Stolen bases; CS: Caught stealing; UW: Unintentional walks; IW: Intentional walks; HP: Hit by pitch; SO: Strikeouts; DP: Double plays grounded into; BA: Batting average; SLG: Slugging percentage; OBP: On base percentage

Defensive Statistics

Year  Team            Lg    POS      INN   GS   DR+  DR-   G    PO    A    E   DP     FP    RF9   SB   CS   PB   PkO
1977  Cincinnati      NL      P     43.0    5             14     1    6    0    0  1.000   1.47    6    1          0

1978  Cincinnati      NL      P    174.0   23             42     8   30    1    1   .974   1.97   12   12          2

1979  Cincinnati      NL      P    163.0   12             57     6   27    2    1   .943   1.82    6    2          0

1980  Cincinnati      NL      P    137.0    0             78     9   32    0    3  1.000   2.69   13    8          0

1981  Cincinnati      NL      P     67.2    0             51     2   12    0    0  1.000   1.86    6    2          0

1982  Cincinnati      NL      P     63.2    0             46     3    9    1    0   .923   1.70    3    1          0

1983  Cincinnati      NL      P     66.0    0             48     3   14    1    3   .944   2.32    7    1          0

1984  Cincinnati      NL      P    113.1    8             54    14   17    0    1  1.000   2.46   25    6          0

1985  Cincinnati      NL      P     80.0    0             56     4   12    1    1   .941   1.80   16    3          0

1986  Philadelphia    NL      P     94.1    1             48     8   19    1    1   .964   2.58   20    3          0

1987  Philadelphia    NL      P     70.2    6             38     2   15    0    0  1.000   2.17    6    2          0
1987  Cincinnati      NL      P     13.1    0             11     0    2    0    0  1.000   1.35    2    0          0
Fielding data: INN: Innings played; GS: Games started; DR+: Games as defensive replacement; DR-: Games replaced on defense; G: Games played; PO: Putouts; A: Assists; E: Errors; DP: Double plays; FP: Fielding percentage; RF9: Plays made per 9 innings; SB: Stolen bases; CS: Caught Stealing; PB: Passed balls


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