Monday November 30, 1970
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

NFL game summary for 11/30/1970:

Miami's Larry Csonka, who rushed for 108 yards, scored from the one to climax an 80-yard drive that consumed eight-and-a-half minutes late in the fourth period to clinch Miami's seventh victory.

Team stats coming into this game (NFL ranks in parentheses):

TeamRush Yds/GmPass Yds/GmTot Yds/GmTurnovers
OFFENSE135.3  (8)148.7  (17)284.0  (15)22
DEFENSE110.1  (8)197.8  (24)307.9  (19)30
OFFENSE114.3  (16)146.0  (19)260.3  (22)30
DEFENSE117.4  (11)145.3  (7)262.7  (6)21

Line: n/a

Miami Dolphins (7-4-0)3100720
Atlanta Falcons (3-6-2)00077

( 3- 0) MIA Garo Yepremian 9 yard field goal (10- 0) MIA Jim Kiick 1 yard rush (Garo Yepremian kick) (13- 0) MIA Garo Yepremian 43 yard field goal (13- 7) ATL Paul Gipson 5 yard pass from Bob Berry (Ken Vinyard kick) (20- 7) MIA Larry Csonka 1 yard rush (Garo Yepremian kick)
                     MIA             ATL
First Downs:         16              15
Rushes-yards:        38-218          33-111
Yards/rush:          5.7             3.4
Comp-Att-Yd-INT:     8-11-94-1       18-24-170-1
Sacked-yards:        1-8             1-10
Net pass yards:      86              160
Net yards/pass:      7.2             6.4
Total net yards:     304             271
Total plays:         50 (76% run)    58 (56% run)  
Yards/play:          6.1             4.7
Fumbles-lost:        1-1             0-0
Turnovers:           2               1
Penalties-yards:     6-41            3-43

Attendance: 54,036

MIA: Bob Griese, 8 of 11 for 94 yards (1 int) ATL: Bob Berry, 18 of 24 for 170 yards and 1 TD (1 int)
MIA: Larry Csonka, 19 for 108 yards and 1 TD; Jim Kiick, 12 for 34 yards and 1 TD; Mercury Morris, 6 for 76 yards; Bob Griese, 1 for 0 yards ATL: Cannonball Butler, 12 for 34 yards; Harmon Wages, 9 for 25 yards; Paul Gipson, 8 for 29 yards; Bob Berry, 4 for 23 yards
MIA: Marv Fleming, 2 for 39 yards; Howard Twilley, 2 for 26 yards; Karl Noonan, 2 for 25 yards; Jim Kiick, 1 for 15 yards; Larry Csonka, 1 for -11 yards ATL: Jim Mitchell, 5 for 59 yards; Harmon Wages, 4 for 39 yards; Paul Flatley, 2 for 33 yards; Todd Snyder, 2 for 17 yards; Art Malone, 2 for 13 yards; Paul Gipson, 2 for 6 yards and 1 TD; Cannonball Butler, 1 for 3 yards
Kick returns:
MIA: Mercury Morris, 1 for 49 yards ATL: Mike Brunson, 2 for 28 yards; Paul Gipson, 1 for 30 yards; Cannonball Butler, 1 for 9 yards
Punt returns:
MIA: Jake Scott, 2 for 39 yards
MIA: Dick Anderson, 1 for 24 yards ATL: Don Hansen, 1 for 15 yards
MIA: Larry Seiple, 1 for 47 yards ATL: Billy Lothridge, 3 for 128 yards
Field Goals:
MIA: Garo Yepremian, 2/3 ATL: Ken Vinyard, 0/2

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