Sunday December 21, 1975
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

NFL game summary for 12/21/1975:

Dan Pastorini led Houston to its best season record (10-4) since 1962 by raking the Browns' defense with his passes, including a 75-yard touchdown toss to Ken Burrough who finished the season with 1,063 yards on 53 catches and eight scores. Despite the fine season the Oilers failed to make the playoffs in the tough Central Division. The Oilers' four sacks gave them 45, a club record. Houston set an attendance record by averaging 48,065 for a seven-game total of 336,458.

Team stats coming into this game (NFL ranks in parentheses):

TeamRush Yds/GmPass Yds/GmTot Yds/GmTurnovers
OFFENSE134.9  (14)136.8  (21)271.7  (21)35
DEFENSE143.5  (16)187.3  (22)330.8  (18)24
OFFENSE145.5  (12)131.8  (23)277.3  (19)32
DEFENSE121.8  (4)175.2  (17)297.1  (12)41

Line: Oilers by 9

Cleveland Browns (3-11-0)003710
Houston Oilers (10-4-0)1470021

( 0- 7) HOU Don Hardeman 2 yard rush (Skip Butler kick) ( 0-14) HOU Ken Burrough 75 yard pass from Dan Pastorini (Skip Butler kick) ( 0-21) HOU Ronnie Coleman 2 yard rush (Skip Butler kick) ( 3-21) CLE Don Cockroft 42 yard field goal (10-21) CLE Ken Brown 4 yard rush (Don Cockroft kick)
                     CLE             HOU
First Downs:         22              21
Rushes-yards:        27-96           44-166
Yards/rush:          3.6             3.8
Comp-Att-Yd-INT:     24-43-213-2     11-23-166-2
Sacked-yards:        4-34            1-10
Net pass yards:      179             156
Net yards/pass:      3.8             6.5
Total net yards:     275             322
Total plays:         74 (36% run)    68 (64% run)  
Yards/play:          3.7             4.7
Fumbles-lost:        2-0             3-0
Turnovers:           2               2
Penalties-yards:     9-68            9-68

Attendance: 43,770

CLE: Mike Phipps, 24 of 42 for 213 yards (2 int); Henry Hynoski, 0 of 1 for 0 yards HOU: Dan Pastorini, 11 of 23 for 166 yards and 1 TD (2 int)
CLE: Greg Pruitt, 14 for 37 yards; Henry Hynoski, 5 for 38 yards; Billy Pritchett, 4 for 6 yards; Ken Brown, 3 for 15 yards and 1 TD; Hugh McKinnis, 1 for 0 yards HOU: Fred Willis, 18 for 42 yards; Ronnie Coleman, 12 for 54 yards and 1 TD; Don Hardeman, 9 for 45 yards and 1 TD; Willie Rodgers, 5 for 25 yards
CLE: Reggie Rucker, 7 for 79 yards; Oscar Roan, 5 for 44 yards; Steve Holden, 3 for 32 yards; Greg Pruitt, 3 for 16 yards; Henry Hynoski, 2 for 7 yards; Ken Brown, 1 for 17 yards; Willie Miller, 1 for 9 yards; Hugh McKinnis, 1 for 8 yards; Billy Pritchett, 1 for 1 yard HOU: Ken Burrough, 5 for 129 yards and 1 TD; Ronnie Coleman, 2 for 22 yards; Mack Alston, 2 for 10 yards; Billy Johnson, 1 for 15 yards; Fred Willis, 1 for -10 yards
Kick returns:
CLE: Ken Brown, 2 for 35 yards; Willie Miller, 1 for 18 yards; Henry Hynoski, 1 for 17 yards HOU: Billy Johnson, 3 for 74 yards
Punt returns:
CLE: Willie Miller, 2 for -1 yards; Henry Hynoski, 1 for 7 yards HOU: Billy Johnson, 6 for 46 yards
CLE: Dave Graf, 1 for 19 yards; Van Green, 1 for 0 yards HOU: Bob Atkins, 1 for 41 yards; Zeke Moore, 1 for 14 yards
CLE: Don Cockroft, 7 for 318 yards HOU: Dan Pastorini, 7 for 254 yards
Field Goals:
CLE: Don Cockroft, 1/2

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