Sunday December 4, 1977
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

NFL game summary for 12/04/1977:

Dan Fouts completed 14 of 20 passes for 247 yards and three touchdowns and Rolf Benirschke added three field goals as the Chargers assured themselves of a .500 season, the best in coach Tommy Prothro's four-year tenure. The Browns' record dropped to 6-6 and the loss virtually eliminated them from the AFC Central Division playoff race.

Team stats coming into this game (NFL ranks in parentheses):

TeamRush Yds/GmPass Yds/GmTot Yds/GmTurnovers
OFFENSE150.2  (10)149.5  (11)299.6  (9)39
DEFENSE148.1  (18)142.8  (14)290.9  (20)35
OFFENSE132.9  (19)147.2  (14)280.1  (17)24
DEFENSE142.8  (17)107.5  (4)250.4  (5)25

Line: Chargers by 4

Cleveland Browns (6-6-0)0001414
San Diego Chargers (7-5-0)14133737

( 0- 7) SD Don Woods 29 yard rush (Rolf Benirschke kick) ( 0-14) SD Hank Bauer 15 yard pass from Dan Fouts (Rolf Benirschke kick) ( 0-17) SD Rolf Benirschke 35 yard field goal ( 0-24) SD Charlie Joiner 30 yard pass from Dan Fouts (Rolf Benirschke kick) ( 0-27) SD Rolf Benirschke 36 yard field goal ( 0-30) SD Rolf Benirschke 24 yard field goal ( 7-30) CLE Reggie Rucker 16 yard pass from Dave Mays (Don Cockroft kick) ( 7-37) SD Larry Dorsey 67 yard pass from Dan Fouts (Rolf Benirschke kick) (14-37) CLE Cleo Miller 6 yard rush (Don Cockroft kick)
                     CLE             SD
First Downs:         17              23
Rushes-yards:        27-111          37-167
Yards/rush:          4.1             4.5
Comp-Att-Yd-INT:     19-31-228-1     16-23-262-0
Sacked-yards:        2-20            1-4
Net pass yards:      208             258
Net yards/pass:      6.3             10.8
Total net yards:     319             425
Total plays:         60 (45% run)    61 (60% run)  
Yards/play:          5.3             7.0
Fumbles-lost:        2-0             2-0
Turnovers:           1               0
Penalties-yards:     8-89            7-62

Attendance: 37,312

CLE: Dave Mays, 19 of 30 for 228 yards and 1 TD (1 int); Dave Logan, 0 of 1 for 0 yards SD: Dan Fouts, 14 of 20 for 237 yards and 3 TDs; Cliff Olander, 2 of 3 for 25 yards
CLE: Greg Pruitt, 16 for 67 yards; Cleo Miller, 10 for 45 yards and 1 TD; Dave Mays, 1 for -1 yards SD: Don Woods, 11 for 62 yards and 1 TD; Bo Matthews, 11 for 59 yards; Larry Barnes, 8 for 17 yards; Clarence Williams, 3 for 9 yards; Rickey Young, 2 for 9 yards; Dan Fouts, 1 for 11 yards; Hank Bauer, 1 for 0 yards
CLE: Greg Pruitt, 6 for 98 yards; Cleo Miller, 5 for 48 yards; Gary Parris, 3 for 18 yards; Reggie Rucker, 2 for 32 yards and 1 TD; Dave Logan, 2 for 21 yards; Paul Warfield, 1 for 11 yards SD: Larry Dorsey, 4 for 108 yards and 1 TD; Rickey Young, 3 for 23 yards; Charlie Joiner, 2 for 46 yards and 1 TD; Don Woods, 2 for 26 yards; Johnny Rodgers, 1 for 24 yards; Hank Bauer, 1 for 15 yards and 1 TD; Larry Barnes, 1 for 10 yards; Bo Matthews, 1 for 6 yards; Pat Curran, 1 for 4 yards
Kick returns:
CLE: Lawrence Williams, 3 for 73 yards; Ricky Feacher, 1 for 25 yards; Mike Pruitt, 1 for 16 yards; Brian Duncan, 1 for 15 yards; Bob Babich, 1 for 14 yards SD: Artie Owens, 1 for 19 yards; Clarence Williams, 1 for 18 yards
Punt returns:
SD: Mike Fuller, 1 for 10 yards
SD: Hal Stringert, 1 for 26 yards
CLE: Greg Coleman, 2 for 54 yards
Field Goals:
CLE: Don Cockroft, 0/1 SD: Rolf Benirschke, 3/3

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