Sunday November 9, 1980
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

NFL game summary for 11/09/1980:

Team stats coming into this game (NFL ranks in parentheses):

TeamRush Yds/GmPass Yds/GmTot Yds/GmTurnovers
OFFENSE90.9  (27)158.0  (23)248.9  (28)27
DEFENSE132.8  (17)203.9  (17)336.7  (20)28
OFFENSE162.7  (2)213.2  (7)375.9  (4)20
DEFENSE114.7  (11)184.3  (8)299.0  (7)22

Line: Rams by 11

Miami Dolphins (5-5-0)7147735
Los Angeles Rams (6-4-0)070714

( 7- 0) MIA Tony Nathan 31 yard pass from David Woodley (Uwe von Schamann kick) (14- 0) MIA David Woodley 6 yard rush (Uwe von Schamann kick) (14- 7) LA Jewerl Thomas 0 yard fumble return (Frank Corral kick) (21- 7) MIA Nat Moore 6 yard pass from David Woodley (Uwe von Schamann kick) (28- 7) MIA David Woodley 10 yard rush (Uwe von Schamann kick) (28-14) LA Victor Hicks 32 yard pass from Vince Ferragamo (Frank Corral kick) (35-14) MIA Bruce Hardy 2 yard pass from David Woodley (Uwe von Schamann kick)
                     MIA             LA
First Downs:         27              20
Rushes-yards:        44-280          18-108
Yards/rush:          6.4             6.0
Comp-Att-Yd-INT:     17-29-161-0     19-42-209-4
Sacked-yards:        0-0             3-33
Net pass yards:      161             176
Net yards/pass:      5.6             3.9
Total net yards:     441             284
Total plays:         73 (60% run)    63 (28% run)  
Yards/play:          6.0             4.5
Fumbles-lost:        1-1             0-0
Turnovers:           1               4
Penalties-yards:     7-55            7-49

Attendance: 62,198

MIA: David Woodley, 17 of 28 for 161 yards and 3 TDs; Tony Nathan, 0 of 1 for 0 yards LA: Vince Ferragamo, 19 of 42 for 209 yards and 1 TD (4 int)
MIA: Terry Robiskie, 15 for 21 yards; Delvin Williams, 12 for 151 yards; David Woodley, 9 for 51 yards and 2 TDs; Tony Nathan, 8 for 57 yards LA: Wendell Tyler, 9 for 37 yards; Cullen Bryant, 3 for 21 yards; Mike Guman, 3 for 14 yards; Victor Hicks, 1 for 19 yards; Elvis Peacock, 1 for 9 yards; Vince Ferragamo, 1 for 8 yards
MIA: Tony Nathan, 7 for 71 yards and 1 TD; Nat Moore, 3 for 33 yards and 1 TD; Bruce Hardy, 2 for 18 yards and 1 TD; Ronnie Lee, 1 for 11 yards; Joe Rose, 1 for 10 yards; Terry Robiskie, 1 for 9 yards; Jimmy Cefalo, 1 for 5 yards; Delvin Williams, 1 for 4 yards LA: Cullen Bryant, 5 for 22 yards; Elvis Peacock, 4 for 28 yards; Victor Hicks, 3 for 55 yards and 1 TD; Mike Guman, 3 for 37 yards; Preston Dennard, 2 for 48 yards; Billy Waddy, 2 for 19 yards
Kick returns:
MIA: Nick Giaquinto, 2 for 32 yards; Don Bessillieu, 1 for 20 yards LA: Drew Hill, 6 for 109 yards
Punt returns:
LA: LeRoy Irvin, 1 for 5 yards
MIA: Don Bessillieu, 2 for 1 yard; Earnest Rhone, 1 for 11 yards; Gerald Small, 1 for 0 yards
MIA: George Roberts, 3 for 129 yards LA: Frank Corral, 5 for 179 yards
Field Goals:

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