Wednesday January 21, 1970
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Wednesday January 21, 1970

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • The Nigerian government assured the world that the Ibos are being treated well. But hunger and starvation in the former Biafra are now being confirmed by eyewitness reports. Almost all newsmen visiting Biafra are being detained in a hotel because Nigerian officials are upset over news reports. [CBS]
  • The body count of enemy dead is a criteria of battle success in Vietnam. The Army now says that 27 bodies were counted after a recent battle near the Cambodian border, not 234 as was first reported. Viet Cong gunners shelled allied bases and towns today. [CBS]
  • The home building industry is in a recession. The President's chief economic adviser, Paul McCracken, says that the lack of mortgage money in the midst of a housing shortage has slowed the building business. [CBS]
  • Secretary of State William Rogers expressed concern about the expanded French arms deal with Libya. U.S. officials say that Paris has been misleading throughout the negotiations; the deal could upset the Middle East balance of power. Elsewhere, the Israelis attacked Jordan, and Iraq executed 16 persons for trying to overthrow the Baghdad government. [CBS]
  • A coroner's jury in Chicago returned a verdict of justifiable homicide in the police shooting deaths last December of Black Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. [CBS]
  • It has been discovered that 22 years ago federal Judge G. Harrold Carswell delivered a segregationist speech. A reporter went to Irwinton, Georgia, where Carswell was born, looked through the files of newspapers and found a speech which Carswell made when he was running for the Georgia state legislature. In that speech Carswell stated that he believed in segregation of the races and white supremacy. [CBS]
  • Senator Strom Thurmond urged the Nixon administration to find relief from the Supreme Court's ruling on school desegregation. Thurmond declared that the Court is causing the greatest disruption in education in the history of the nation. Today a federal judge in California ordered complete desegregation of schools in the Pasadena school district by September. [CBS]
  • The 747 is making its maiden commercial trip across the Atlantic from New York City to London, however many airports may not be ready to cope with the 747. The Paris airport is ready and equipped to handle four 747 jumbo jets at the same time, though customs may be a problem if a large number of people arrive on 747s at one time. Rome is preparing for the 747, but too slowly and too late; airline officials there expect chaos. The San Francisco airport won't be ready soon, but officials say that the 747 won't carry anything near its capacity for years anyway.

    At Kennedy Airport in New York City, Pan Am is the first airline to put the 747 into service. Pan Am believes that it will eventually have the largest and most modern air terminals in the world. The terminal at Kennedy Airport will not be in operation until 1972. [CBS]

  • A winter storm in Virginia tore a ship lose from its anchorage and drove it through the Chesapeake Bay bridge and tunnel complex. The damage has caused motorists to have to take a 375-mile detour around the bay. [CBS]
  • Multi-millionaire oleo margarine heir Michael Brody signed a recording contract with RCA records. [CBS]
  • The survivors of one victim in the Tate murders are suing Charles Manson and the others who have been accused for $5 million. [CBS]

Stock Market Report

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 782.27 (+4.42, +0.57%)
S&P Composite: 89.91 (+0.08, +0.09%)
Arms Index: 1.08

Total Volume9.89
* in millions of shares

Arms Index is the ratio of volume per declining issue to volume per advancing issue; a figure below 1.0 is bullish.

Market Index Trends
January 20, 1970777.8589.8311.05
January 19, 1970776.0789.659.50
January 16, 1970782.6090.9211.94
January 15, 1970785.0491.6811.12
January 14, 1970787.1691.6510.38
January 13, 1970788.0191.799.87
January 12, 1970790.5291.708.90
January 9, 1970798.1192.409.38
January 8, 1970802.0792.6810.67
January 7, 1970801.8192.6310.01

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