Thursday February 19, 1970
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Thursday February 19, 1970:

Scores through round 1 of the 1970 San Antonio Open Invitational

Tournament held at Pecan Valley Golf Club (San Antonio, TX) from February 19, 1970 to February 22, 1970     (Par 70)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1Joe Cardenas73+373$0
1Dave Gumlia73+373$0
3Homero Blancas74+474$0
3Wayne Vollmer74+474$0
3Charles Sifford74+474$0
3Bob Smith74+474$0
3Gary Bowerman74+474$0
3Jim Colbert74+474$0
9Jerry Hatfield75+575$0
9Phil Rodgers75+575$0
9Bob Goalby75+575$0
9Dan Keefe75+575$0
9Rod Curl75+575$0
9Ed Sneed75+575$0
9John Lively75+575$0
16Rich Bassett76+676$0
16Doug Olson76+676$0
16Mike Reasor76+676$0
16Don Parson76+676$0
16Jerry Pittman76+676$0
16Curtis Sifford76+676$0
16Lee Bonse76+676$0
16Dick Rhyan76+676$0
24Fred Marti77+777$0
24Jack Harden77+777$0
24Jerry McGee77+777$0
24Peter Townsend77+777$0
24Ron Weber77+777$0
24Randy Wolff77+777$0
24Dave Bollman77+777$0
24Odell Trueblood77+777$0
24Jack Fleck77+777$0
24Dick Carmody77+777$0
24Joe Kirkwood77+777$0
24Tommy Aycock77+777$0
36Bob Charles78+878$0
36Johnny Miller78+878$0
36Pete Brown78+878$0
36Byron Comstock78+878$0
40Babe Hiskey79+979$0
40Larry Sears79+979$0
40John Lotz79+979$0
40Martin Roesink79+979$0
40Phil Ferranti79+979$0
40Mac McLendon79+979$0
40Bobby Greenwood79+979$0
40Tom Sisolak79+979$0
40Jimmy Picard79+979$0
40Bill Johnston79+979$0
50Bob Dickson80+1080$0
51Ron Acree81+1181$0
51Phil Gibbs81+1181$0
53Jesse Whittenton82+1282$0
54Paul Barkhouse83+1383$0
54John Levinson83+1383$0
56Mike Nugent86+1686$0
57Hale Irwin79+979$1,100
58Ron Cerrudo71+171$20,000
59Miller Barber73+373$5,900
60Orville Moody76+676$2,838
61Dick Lotz77+777$11,400
61Deane Beman77+777$419
63Don Massengale78+878$1,500
63George Hixon78+878$419
65Jack McGowan71+171$657
66Dave Stockton72+272$2,838
66Billy Maxwell72+272$657
68Labron Harris73+373$1,500
69Rod Funseth67-367$5,900
70Kermit Zarley71+171$2,838
71Les Peterson72+272$530
72Monty Kaser73+373$280
73Dave Eichelberger74+474$1,500
73Bob Menne74+474$1,100
75Al Geiberger75+575$3,850
75Brian Barnes75+575$863
75Lee Trevino75+575$863
78Gay Brewer76+676$657
78Claude Harmon76+676$657
78Paul Moran76+676$657
78Steve Oppermann76+676$657
82John Schlee70Even70$3,850
83Jim Jamieson71+171$1,500
83Frank Beard71+171$863
85Chris Blocker72+272$2,838
85Dave Hill72+272$2,025
85Richard Crawford72+272$2,025
88Jerry Heard73+373$2,025
88Earl Stewart73+373$657
90Al Balding74+474$657
91J.C. Snead76+676$184
92Charles Coody72+272$530
92Ronnie Reif72+272$419
94Jim Bullard73+373$182
95Bill Brask74+474$182
96Johnny Pott76+676$182
97Bobby Nichols77+777$419
97Cesar Sanudo77+777$184
99Dudley Wysong78+878$280
100Vern Novak72+272$419
101Ross Randall73+373$1,100
101Ken Ellsworth73+373$182
101Gene Ferrell73+373$182
104Bob Lunn75+575$657
105Bruce Crampton76+676$182
105Rick Rhoads76+676$182
105Jim Awtrey76+676$182
108Bob Brue78+878$419
109Mike Hill70Even70$230
110Lou Graham71+171$2,025
111Richard Martinez72+272$1,500
111Bill Garrett72+272$184
113Marty Fleckman73+373$280
114Billy Emmons74+474$182
115Ted Hayes75+575$182
115Jim Barker75+575$182
117Jacky Cupit76+676$863
117John Schroeder76+676$184
117Bob Stone76+676$182
120Joel Goldstrand77+777$182
121Jack Montgomery71+171$184
122George Johnson74+474$184
123Jack Ewing76+676$230
123Joe Porter76+676$184
123Terry Wilcox76+676$182
126R.H. Sikes72+272$419
127Earl Jacobson76+676$182
128Willie Scholl71+171$182

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