Thursday August 6, 1970
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Thursday August 6, 1970:

Scores through round 1 of the 1970 American Golf Classic

Tournament held at Firestone Country Club (Akron, OH) from August 6, 1970 to August 9, 1970     (Par 70)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1John Lotz74+474$0
1Mike McCullough74+474$0
1Tony Jacklin74+474$0
1John Schlee74+474$0
1George Bellino74+474$0
1Jerry Barber74+474$0
7Grier Jones75+575$0
7Mac McLendon75+575$0
7Charles Sifford75+575$0
10Gardner Dickinson76+676$0
10Bob Smith76+676$0
10Don Massengale76+676$0
10Bunky Henry76+676$0
14Billy Maxwell77+777$0
14Art Wall77+777$0
14Bob Menne77+777$0
17Rex Baxter78+878$0
17Johnny Pott78+878$0
19Dow Finsterwald79+979$0
19Mike Souchak79+979$0
21Ken Venturi80+1080$0
21Peter Townsend80+1080$0
23Ken Still71+171$1,044
24George Knudson74+474$3,180
25Bob Murphy71+171$4,238
26Dale Douglass72+272$5,100
27Doug Ford74+474$273
28Johnny Miller69-169$1,520
29Gary Player72+272$4,238
30Jack Nicklaus73+373$11,600
31Bob Goalby69-169$3,180
32Bob Dickson71+171$473
33Tom Weiskopf72+272$2,175
34Lionel Hebert74+474$650
35Miller Barber75+575$2,175
35Bob Stanton75+575$650
37Bert Yancey76+676$3,180
38Bruce Crampton69-169$11,600
39Deane Beman70Even70$1,283
40Dave Stockton71+171$3,180
41Charles Coody72+272$2,175
42Frank Beard73+373$30,000
42Mike Hill73+373$650
42Al Geiberger73+373$273
45Harry Toscano74+474$650
45Gibby Gilbert74+474$273
47Jim Colbert75+575$1,044
48Tommy Aaron69-169$11,600
48Lou Graham69-169$2,175
50Bob Lunn71+171$2,175
50Mason Rudolph71+171$1,044
50Orville Moody71+171$825
53Chi Chi Rodriguez72+272$1,044
53Don Bies72+272$273
55Doug Sanders73+373$825
56Bobby Mitchell76+676$1,520
56Rod Funseth76+676$1,283
58George Archer67-367$6,150
59Bobby Nichols69-169$1,044
60Kermit Zarley70Even70$390
60Dick Lotz70Even70$301
60Dave Eichelberger70Even70$273
63Hale Irwin71+171$273
64Bert Greene74+474$473
65Fred Marti70Even70$1,044
65John Schroeder70Even70$650
67Jim Wiechers72+272$650
67Tom Nieporte72+272$273
69Homero Blancas73+373$825
70R.H. Sikes76+676$273
71Paul Harney68-268$1,044
71Tommy Jacobs68-268$1,044
73Tom Shaw70Even70$5,100
73Ray Floyd70Even70$2,175
73Julius Boros70Even70$1,520
76Bob Stone71+171$3,180
76Kel Nagle71+171$825
76Harold Henning71+171$273
76Lee Elder71+171$273
80Rives McBee75+575$301
80Bruce Fleisher75+575$273
82Marty Fleckman77+777$273
83Richard Crawford73+373$390
83Chris Blocker73+373$273
85Larry Ziegler74+474$273
86Joe Talley75+575$273
87Larry Hinson70Even70$273
88Gene Littler72+272$390
89Jacky Cupit75+575$273
90Phil Rodgers69-169$301
90Steve Reid69-169$273
92Steve Spray70Even70$273
93Frank Wharton71+171$273
94Bob Rosburg74+474$273

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