Saturday August 8, 1970
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Saturday August 8, 1970

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • Arab guerrillas fired rockets at Israeli positions but the major parties respected the Mideast cease-fire. Israelis hope that peace will last but few think it will. Egyptians are pleased with the cease-fire and they hope it lasts over 90 days. [CBS]
  • Cambodians claimed to have retaken Skoun, Cambodia; Communists attacked close to Phnom Penh. [CBS]
  • Two representatives charged that the inflated exchange rate from U.S. to South Vietnamese currency costs U.S. millions and corrupts the Saigon government; they want the rate set nearer to the black market value. [CBS]
  • Capt. Ernest Medina visited his boyhood home of Montrose, Colorado. Residents there have raised $3,000 for Medina's My Lai defense. Medina says he has had to overcome his reluctance to ask for money to defend himself; he was invited to Montrose by the local Mexican-American Committee. The town is hawkish on the war. [CBS]
  • Terrorists in Uruguay stated that they will kill American hostage Dan Mitrione if 100 political prisoners are not released; a second American has also been kidnapped. [CBS]
  • The President's pornography commission suggested liberal censorship laws for adults and protective laws for children. [CBS]
  • 100 attorneys will monitor desegregation efforts in the South. The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights will provide unpaid investigators and counselors to hear complaints and file suits where necessary. [CBS]
  • Police released a report on the court kidnapping and killings in San Rafael, California. Three San Quentin prisoners were in court, one on trial for stabbing a guard and two witnesses; Jonathan Jackson entered the court with weapons. Jackson and others took the judge, the assistant district attorney and three women jurors hostage. A shootout took place at a roadblock at the exit of the court parking lot. The judge was killed and the assistant D.A. is in critical condition. [CBS]
  • 4,000 Boy Scouts have been quarantined at Cimarron, New Mexico, after one died, possibly of pneumonia. [CBS]
  • The Army inspected the railroad track on the route for Monday's nerve gas shipment from Alabama to the Atlantic Ocean. [CBS]
  • Senator Mike Mansfield says that the Democrats have no political campaigner to match Vice President Spiro Agnew. [CBS]
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