News stories from Saturday September 12, 1970
Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:
- Palestinians blew up three hijacked planes worth $25 million. Guerrillas factions have split due to the hijacks; the Central Committee for Liberation of Palestine has suspended the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The PFLP said that it would free all hostages except for 40 Jews. Britain stated that it will trade captured hijacker Leila Khaled for all captive passengers and crews. [CBS]
- Western nations are united in demanding that all hostages be freed. Armed guards are now on planes in order to deter future hijacks, and metal detectors are being used to screen passengers. [CBS]
- Vice President Spiro Agnew denounced the hijacks and attacked liberals. In San Diego, Agnew faced an enthusiastic crowd; he predicted calm campuses this fall though he had predicted widespread violence previously. [CBS]
- Senator Philip Hart will introduce a bill for nationwide "no-fault" auto insurance. [CBS]
- In Norfolk, Virginia, parents against busing held a strategy meeting. Attorney Ellis Rubin asked that October 12 be a national day of concern; he wants people to pray for a just Supreme Court decision. [CBS]
- Hurricane Ella missed the U.S. but hit Mexico and caused flooding in villages. [CBS]
- A series of earthquakes hit South California; there was no serious damage. [CBS]
- A tornado in Venice, Italy, killed 35 persons including two Americans. 125 m.p.h. winds ripped through the town, up-ending a tour bus; many drowned. Pope Paul sent his condolences. [CBS]
- South Vietnam Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky will speak at a Washington, DC pro-war rally despite United States pressure not to attend. [CBS]
- South Vietnam fighting was light today. [CBS]
- The Senate reported that the U.S. paid South Korea $1 billion for providing troops for South Vietnam in 1964-65. [CBS]
- Soviet author Yuli Daniel has been freed after five years in jail for slandering the government; he will stay in exile. [CBS]
- The Soviets launched an unmanned lunar orbiter. [CBS]