Prime-time network TV listings for Tuesday March 30, 1971:
Program details:
[CBS 7:30] The Beverly Hillbillies [Reg]: The Pollution Solution
Season 9, episode 1 W: Paul Henning, Dick Wesson D: Robert M. Leeds With Rich Little, Bill Beckett (Milkman), Keith Rogers (Stewardess). Series returns for its ninth season. Banker Drysdale frantically schemes to prevent the Clampetts from donating their money to the government to solve the problem of pollution. (Repeat program, originally aired 9/15/1970)
[ABC 7:30] The Mod Squad [Reg]: Who Are The Keepers, Who Are The Inmates?
Season 3, episode 3 W: Richard Landau D: Gene Nelson With Jerry Summers (David Skinner), Richard Kiley (Warren White), Booth Colman (Dr. Grant Ames), Meg Foster (Cora), Harry Basch (Dr. Berger), Richard Shelfo (Attendant). Linc feigns insanity to investigate a mental institution where a friend has died under mysterious circumstances. (Repeat program, originally aired 10/6/1970)
[NBC 7:30] Julia [Reg]: Ready, Aim, Fired
Season 3, episode 1 W: Hal Kanter D: Coby Ruskin With Billy Halop (Security Guard), C. Lindsay Workman (Otto Brockmeyer). Series returns for its third year. Julia gets fired in a payroll cutback -- but nurse Hannah Yarby finds a solution. Fred Williamson joins the cast. (Repeat program, originally aired 9/15/1970)
[CBS 8:00] Green Acres [Reg]: The Coming-Out Party
Season 6, episode 2 W: Jay Sommers, Dick Chevillat D: Richard L. Bare With Victoria Paige Meyerink (Lori Baker). Lisa plans a "coming out" party for Lori Baker so she can meet all the other children of Hooterville. Plans which include a yacht tour, a circus and an aerial extravaganza are slightly hampered by Oliver -- and a $10 budget! (Repeat program, originally aired 9/22/1970)
[NBC 8:00] Scotland Yard
NBC News surveys the intricate workings of the London Metropolitan Police -- Scotland Yard -- in a documentary marking the first time network film crews have been allowed in high-security areas. Detectives and high officials discuss some of the Yard's famous cases and the basis of the British police system and how it differs from others (including the lack of firearms). Spotlighted is the "Black Museum", an area where "mementos" of old crimes are dislpayed.
[CBS 8:30] Hee Haw
Season 2, episode 16 With Roger Miller, Peggy Little, Bobby Murcer. Miller sings "Dang Me" and "That's the Way I Feel"; Miss Little solos "Statue of a Fool"; Murcer offers a comedy routine with Junior Samples. (Repeat program, originally aired 1/12/1971)
[ABC 8:30] TV Movie: The Sheriff (1971)
W: Arnold Perl D: David Lowell Rich With Ossie Davis, Kaz Garas, Kyle Johnson, Ruby Dee, John Marley, Ross Martin, Lynda Day, Edward Binns, Moses Gunn, Brenda Sykes. Contemporary drama of a black sheriff faced with keeping the peace when his town becomes rife with racial tension after a black girl is allegedly molested by a wealthy white businessman. Pilot movie for a proposed series.
[NBC 9:00] Movie: The Big Country (1958), part two
W: James R. Webb, Sy Bartlett, Robert Wilder D: William Wyler With Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Charlton Heston, Carroll Baker, Burl Ives, Charles Bickford. A former sea captain travels west to marry a rancher's pampered daughter and is forced to take sides in a war over water rights.
[CBS 9:30] All In The Family [Reg]: Success Story
Season 1, episode 12 W: Burt Styler D: John Rich With Len Lesser (Billy Pendergast), George Savalas (Joe Frouge), Frank E. Ford (Fred Frouge), William Windom (Eddie Frazier), Herbie Faye (Delivery Man). An old friend of Archie's, a fast-talking car dealer, arrives and prompts a reunion of old Army buddies.
[CBS 10:00] 60 Minutes
The leading story is "Thievery on the Waterfront" with Morley Safer as reporter. Though the focus is on the New York City waterfront, which includes its three airports, the report examines the problem countrywide involving thievery estimated at $1 billion per year. Another segment with Mike Wallace as reporter explores America's tobacco industry.
[ABC 10:00] Marcus Welby, M.D. [Reg]: The House Of Alquist
Season 2, episode 25 D: Russ Mayberry With Alexander Scourby (Anthony Alquist), Jessica Walter (Jenny Alquist), Don Chastain (Doug Preston), Gail Bonney (Mrs. Billings). Welby tries to help a young woman break away from her domineering father and marry the man she loves. The problem is compounded by the fact that the father, a famous playwright, is suffering from a nerve disease which may end his career.