Saturday August 14, 1971
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News stories from Saturday August 14, 1971

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • A British soldier was killed in Belfast, and British soldiers battled the IRA in Newry, Northern Ireland. Parliament member Bernadette Devlin says that Catholics will decide their own political future; they will resist the government's internment policy, will not pay rents, and they will sit in the streets if a curfew is ordered. Catholic MP Paddy Kennedy stated that British rule in Northern Ireland has failed, and peace won't be achieved until British troops are withdrawn.

    IRA members John Kelly and Joe Cahill were present at a news conference yesterday; they are being sought everywhere by the British army. The conference broke up when British soldiers were reported to be approaching. [CBS]

  • North Carolina Governor Robert Scott urged President Nixon to again clarify his policy on the use of busing for school desegregation.

    The Evansville, Indiana, school board is risking the loss of $1.7 million in funds by defying an order to draw up a desegregation plan for its seven white and one black schools. School board president William Foster stated that a plan is not being drawn up because of confusion resulting from President Nixon's recent statements on busing; the president of the Evansville NAACP thinks the school board is giving in to pressure from whites. [CBS]

  • The national convention of Disabled American Veterans rejected proposed endorsements of U.S. military policies. Two Army advisers to the convention presented a surprise list of programs for endorsement, including the anti-ballistic missile system, C-5A aircraft, Cheyenne helicopter, tax credits for Army reservists and the maintenance of Army troop levels.

    The vice-chairman of the disabled veterans said that they would study the proposals, but doubted that the veterans want to be salesmen for the Pentagon; he reported that one of the Army advisers then threatened him with physical violence. The Pentagon is investigating the incident. [CBS]

  • North Vietnamese forces shelled and attacked South Vietnamese bases near the DMZ. [CBS]
  • Senator Hugh Scott called for the establishment of a wage-price review board. President Nixon met with his economic advisers today. [CBS]
  • A Japanese news agency reported that President Nixon's visit to China will take place between October 20th and early November; the trip had not been expected to take place before early next year. [CBS]
  • France tested a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean. [CBS]
  • Bahrain declared its independence from Britain; Britain welcomed the move. [CBS]
  • Environmental Protection Agency air pollution standards will affect New Jersey car drivers soon. New Jersey will begin testing all cars registered in the state for carbon monoxide emissions next year. Some expect that 20-25% of cars will fail the test. Ford Motor Company spokesman John St. John stated that no acceptable correlation exists between the measurements of emissions from idle cars and the levels of exhaust emissions measured by federal certification procedures. An EPA spokesman said that tolls and parking rates may have to be increased to encourage more passengers per car. [CBS]
  • A tropical storm is developing off the eastern coast of the United States. [CBS]
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