Thursday August 19, 1971
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Thursday August 19, 1971:

Scores through round 1 of the 1971 IVB-Philadelphia Golf Classic

Tournament held at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club (Lafayette Hill, PA) from August 19, 1971 to August 22, 1971     (Par 72)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1John Wells68-468$0
1Gardner Dickinson68-468$0
3Tommy Aaron70-270$0
3Jack Lewis70-270$0
5Howie Johnson71-171$0
5Bob Stone71-171$0
5Don Headings71-171$0
8Dave Stockton72Even72$0
8Tom Ulozas72Even72$0
8George Archer72Even72$0
8Bob Charles72Even72$0
8Frank Beard72Even72$0
13Bert Weaver73+173$0
13Don Iverson73+173$0
13Jim King73+173$0
13Ralph Johnston73+173$0
13Chi Chi Rodriguez73+173$0
13Doug Ford73+173$0
13Lionel Hebert73+173$0
13Bill Hyndman73+173$0
13Bob Payne73+173$0
13Les Peterson73+173$0
13Jimmy Picard73+173$0
13Ken Harrelson73+173$0
25Hugh Royer74+274$0
25Tommy Aycock74+274$0
25Mike Morley74+274$0
25Larry White74+274$0
25Mike Reasor74+274$0
25Jim Grant74+274$0
25Ben Kern74+274$0
25Henry McQuiston74+274$0
33Steve Reid75+375$0
33Ken Still75+375$0
33Bob Stanton75+375$0
33Bunky Henry75+375$0
33Phil Gibbs75+375$0
33Martin Roesink75+375$0
33Bruce Crampton75+375$0
33Bob Lunn75+375$0
33Gibby Gilbert75+375$0
33Bob Schoener75+375$0
33Lee Bonse75+375$0
44Larry Ziegler76+476$0
44Steve Eichstaedt76+476$0
44Roy Pace76+476$0
44Howard Buchanan76+476$0
44Herb Hooper76+476$0
44Labron Harris76+476$0
44Jay Dolan76+476$0
44John Mahoney76+476$0
44Bobby Nichols76+476$0
53Dick Mayer77+577$0
53Charles Coody77+577$0
53Jim Marshall77+577$0
53Tommy Fonseca77+577$0
57Hale Irwin78+678$0
57Tom Shaw78+678$0
57Paul Barkhouse78+678$0
60Ron Rhoads79+779$0
60Dwight Nevil79+779$0
62Jim Jewell80+880$0
63Bob Shaw81+981$0
64Jack Keifer82+1082$0
65Tom Weiskopf67-567$30,000
66Art Wall69-369$2,325
67Lou Graham70-270$5,450
67Dale Douglass70-270$5,450
69Mason Rudolph71-171$1,533
69Curtis Sifford71-171$1,065
71J.C. Goosie72Even72$2,940
72Jim Colbert73+173$2,940
73Phil Rodgers68-468$4,237
74Gay Brewer70-270$1,533
75George Knudson71-171$7,050
76Lee Elder72Even72$4,237
76Jim Hardy72Even72$903
78George Boutell73+173$686
78Jimmy Lynch73+173$247
80Orville Moody74+274$686
81Jack Nicklaus66-666$10,650
82Homero Blancas69-369$3,750
83Rick Rhoads71-171$1,533
84Dick Carmody72Even72$686
85Jack Ewing73+173$1,065
86Chuck Courtney74+274$214
87Dave Hill68-468$17,100
88R.H. Sikes71-171$686
89Doug Sanders72Even72$2,940
89Jerry Heard72Even72$1,533
89Jerry Barrier72Even72$247
92Terry Wilcox73+173$1,065
93Steve Oppermann68-468$686
94Mac McLendon70-270$2,940
94Doug Olson70-270$423
96Dewitt Weaver71-171$903
97Dick Smith72Even72$1,533
97Billy Casper72Even72$1,533
99Kermit Zarley73+173$903
99John Kennedy73+173$214
101Bob Smith75+375$686
102Bob Murphy67-567$5,450
103George Johnson71-171$214
104Howell Fraser72Even72$214
105Deane Beman73+173$686
105Dick Lotz73+173$214
107Rod Curl74+274$903
107Fred Marti74+274$247
107Larry Hinson74+274$214
110Dave Eichelberger75+375$903
111Jim Jamieson70-270$2,325
111Ed Sneed70-270$214
113Bert Yancey74+274$423
114Jim Wiechers70-270$1,533
114Gordon Jones70-270$214
116Randy Wolff71-171$686
117Steve Melnyk72Even72$247
117Bill Garrett72Even72$214
117Joe Carr72Even72$214
120Bob Goalby73+173$423
121Bob Rosburg67-567$1,533
122John Lister70-270$1,533
123Ross Randall71-171$214
123Richard Crawford71-171$214
125Don Bies72Even72$423
126Bob Wynn73+173$247
126Hubert Green73+173$214
128Charles Owens74+274$214
129Dean Refram75+375$214
130Mike Hill65-765$1,533
131Dave Marr68-468$2,940
132Joel Goldstrand70-270$214
133J.C. Snead73+173$214
134John Schlee74+274$423
135Dick Rhyan73+173$214
136Tim Sweborg72Even72$214
137Grier Jones70-270$214
137Rik Massengale70-270$214
139John Lotz73+173$214

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