Thursday December 2, 1971
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Thursday December 2, 1971:

Scores through round 1 of the 1971 Walt Disney World Open Invitational

Tournament held at Walt Disney World Resort (Lake Buena Vista, FL) from December 2, 1971 to December 6, 1971     (Par 72)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1Terry Dill65-765$2,730
2Dave Eichelberger66-666$795
3Jack Nicklaus67-567$30,000
3Bob Goalby67-567$1,044
3Gary Groh67-567$212
3Jim Wiechers67-567$171
7Grier Jones68-468$2,730
7Bert Yancey68-468$2,730
7Hugh Royer68-468$1,425
7Dale Douglass68-468$1,425
7Bob Lunn68-468$795
7Chris Blocker68-468$795
7Dow Finsterwald68-468$171
7Dewitt Weaver68-468$0
15Hale Irwin69-369$5,775
15Frank Beard69-369$5,775
15Sam Snead69-369$4,095
15Lou Graham69-369$4,095
15Dwight Nevil69-369$2,730
15Johnny Miller69-369$2,025
15Bobby Greenwood69-369$1,425
15Gay Brewer69-369$1,044
15Mason Rudolph69-369$1,044
15Jim Ferriell69-369$795
15Doug Sanders69-369$505
15Peter Butler69-369$505
15Ronnie Reif69-369$212
15Harry Bannerman69-369$171
15Tom Watson69-369$171
15Steve Reid69-369$171
15Bill Brask69-369$171
15Bob Rosburg69-369$0
33Deane Beman70-270$17,100
33Lanny Wadkins70-270$8,850
33Jim Colbert70-270$4,095
33John Schlee70-270$4,095
33Lee Trevino70-270$1,425
33Dick Lotz70-270$1,044
33Hubert Green70-270$1,044
33Jim Dent70-270$212
33Howie Johnson70-270$171
33Tommy Aaron70-270$171
33Ron Cerrudo70-270$171
33Gene Ferrell70-270$171
33Jerry Heard70-270$0
33Richard Crawford70-270$0
33Larry Hinson70-270$0
48Arnold Palmer71-171$8,850
48Julius Boros71-171$2,025
48Mike Hill71-171$2,025
48Labron Harris71-171$1,425
48Dave Marr71-171$1,044
48George Knudson71-171$1,044
48Tom Shaw71-171$795
48Don Bies71-171$505
48Butch Baird71-171$505
48Joe Porter71-171$505
48Jim Jamieson71-171$505
48Bob Dickson71-171$212
48J.C. Snead71-171$171
48Bob Stanton71-171$171
48Pete Cooper71-171$171
48Chuck Courtney71-171$171
48Gordon Jones71-171$171
48Bruce Devlin71-171$171
48Babe Hiskey71-171$171
48J.C. Goosie71-171$0
48R.H. Sikes71-171$0
48Chi Chi Rodriguez71-171$0
70Bob Smith72Even72$2,730
70Billy Maxwell72Even72$2,025
70Bob Murphy72Even72$795
70Bert Greene72Even72$505
70Don Iverson72Even72$212
70Rolf Deming72Even72$212
70Rick Rhoads72Even72$171
70Jacky Cupit72Even72$171
70Gardner Dickinson72Even72$171
70Pete Brown72Even72$0
70Bobby Mitchell72Even72$0
70Hal Underwood72Even72$0
70Mike Higgins72Even72$0
70Marion Heck72Even72$0
70Roy Pace72Even72$0
85Mac McLendon73+173$1,044
85Larry Wood73+173$505
85Marty Fleckman73+173$505
85Cesar Sanudo73+173$171
85Chuck Thorpe73+173$171
85Phil Rodgers73+173$171
85Don January73+173$171
85Bunky Henry73+173$171
85Craig Dear73+173$0
85Joel Goldstrand73+173$0
85Larry Ziegler73+173$0
85Homero Blancas73+173$0
85Charles Sifford73+173$0
85Ken Still73+173$0
85Bob Stone73+173$0
85Randy Wolff73+173$0
85Mike Reasor73+173$0
85George Hixon73+173$0
85Wilf Honenuik73+173$0
85Dan Sikes73+173$0
85John Schroeder73+173$0
85Rocky Thompson73+173$0
85Monty Kaser73+173$0
108Dick Rhyan74+274$171
108Greg Powers74+274$171
108George Johnson74+274$171
108Martin Roesink74+274$171
108Gibby Gilbert74+274$0
108Dean Refram74+274$0
108Paul Moran74+274$0
108Herb Hooper74+274$0
108Eddie Pearce74+274$0
108Jim King74+274$0
108Kermit Zarley74+274$0
108Jack Montgomery74+274$0
108George Archer74+274$0
108Ed Furgol74+274$0
108Bill Garrett74+274$0
123Leonard Thompson75+375$4,095
123Rod Funseth75+375$212
123Steve Spray75+375$0
123Rod Curl75+375$0
123Lionel Hebert75+375$0
123Tom Weiskopf75+375$0
123Paul Bondeson75+375$0
123Ralph Johnston75+375$0
123Rik Massengale75+375$0
132Bob Zender76+476$0
132Bob Payne76+476$0
132Doug Ford76+476$0
132Billy Casper76+476$0
132Jim Hardy76+476$0
137Charles Coody77+577$0
138Les Peterson78+678$0
138Bob Barbarossa78+678$0
140Ted Hayes79+779$0
141Dave Gibson87+1587$0

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