Thursday April 20, 1972
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Thursday April 20, 1972

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • The Apollo 16 moon landing is being postponed due to problems with the command module's service engine. Aboard Apollo 16, Ken Mattingly discovered that the command service module engine failed to make a crucial circularization. Former astronaut Wally Schirra says that the back-up guidance system for the command module is not sufficient; power from the lunar descent engine is necessary in order to return to earth. The moon landing must take place by 9:23 p.m. tonight or the mission will return home. The final decision will be made when voice contact with Apollo 16 is regained. [CBS]
  • Over 1 million persons have been killed in the Vietnam war since 1961, including 45,000 Americans. Today there was enemy action near Highway 13 at An Loc and near Lai Khe, and seven towns on Highway 1 inside Cambodia have been taken by the Communists. American B-52s struck near An Loc and in the Central Highlands. A U.S. adviser in Hoai An reported that South Vietnamese army regulars ran away when the North Vietnamese approached. North Vietnam offered to resume the Paris Peace Talks one week from today; the White House rejected the offer. [CBS]
  • The gap between the Senate and House over opposition to the Vietnam war has narrowed. By a vote of 144-58, House Democrats passed a resolution calling the recent bombings in North Vietnam a dangerous escalation of the war and directing Democrats on the Foreign Affairs Committee to draft and report a bill that sets a firm termination date for American involvement in Indochina.

    Press secretary Ron Ziegler stated that when there is an intensive North Vietnam offensive, South Vietnam must defend itself and U.S. air support helping is them do this. Ziegler noted that mere words and resolutions are not effective in stopping the North Vietnamese invasion. Rep. Robert Drinan said that Ziegler is "dead wrong". House Speaker Carl Albert voted for the Democrats' resolution and pledged to help get the end-the-war bill to the House floor. [CBS]

  • The decision has been made for Apollo 16 to land on the moon at 9:23 p.m. EST, almost six hours behind schedule. [CBS]
  • Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the nomination of Richard Kleindienst for Attorney General ended today; presidential aide Peter Flanigan was the last witness to testify. Flanigan stated that he served only as a conduit in obtaining an outside financial consultant for the ITT antitrust settlement, he knew nothing of Republican convention arrangements, and he did not discuss antitrust policy at two meetings with ITT officials. Flanigan refused to answer any other questions.

    Senator Kennedy walked out of the hearing and stated that the White House's prerogative to claim "executive privilege" regarding Flanigan's testimony has hamstrung the committee. Flanigan noted that he played by the committee's rules, and said that there should be no inference that he has anything to hide. The committee will meet next Wednesday to judge Kleindienst's nomination. Indications are that he will be approved. [CBS]

  • A presidential panel recommends income tax credits to parents for tuition payments and outright tuition grants to welfare families using non-public schools. If the recommended tuition plan becomes federal law, it may be tested in the courts. [CBS]
  • Testifying before the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, AFL-CIO president George Meany urged that controls be placed on food prices. [CBS]
  • Republican party chairman Robert Dole directed his aide to meet with Miami Beach officials about shifting the 1972 national convention from San Diego. A decision must be made within ten days. [CBS]
  • Chinese pandas arrived at the National Zoo in Washington four days ago. Mrs. Pat Nixon was the first visitor to see the pandas, and she called them adorable, endearing creatures. The two pandas haven't met each other yet. [CBS]

Stock Market Report

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 966.29 (+1.51, +0.16%)
S&P Composite: 109.04 (-0.16, -0.15%)
Arms Index: 0.63

Total Volume18.19
* in millions of shares

Arms Index is the ratio of volume per declining issue to volume per advancing issue; a figure below 1.0 is bullish.

Market Index Trends
April 19, 1972964.78109.2019.18
April 18, 1972968.92109.7719.41
April 17, 1972966.59109.5115.39
April 14, 1972967.72109.8417.46
April 13, 1972965.53109.9117.99
April 12, 1972966.96110.1824.69
April 11, 1972962.60109.7619.93
April 10, 1972958.08109.4519.47
April 7, 1972962.60109.6219.90
April 6, 1972959.44109.4222.83

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