Thursday August 24, 1972
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Thursday August 24, 1972:

Scores through round 1 of the 1972 Liggett Myers Open

Tournament held at Country Club of North Carolina (Pinehurst, NC) from August 24, 1972 to August 27, 1972     (Par 72)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1Jim Dent72Even72$0
2Mike Spang73+173$0
3John Lotz74+274$0
3Al Geiberger74+274$0
5Bob Rosburg76+476$0
6Fred Marti77+577$0
7Tom Sanderson78+678$0
7Billy Casper78+678$0
9Jerry McGee71-171$1,600
10Jim Wiechers72Even72$629
11Bobby Mitchell74+274$143
12Joe Porter75+375$1,600
13Ken Still71-171$2,510
14Dwight Nevil73+173$918
14Tommy Aaron73+173$363
14Art Wall73+173$143
17Bob Wynn74+274$918
17Richard Crawford74+274$363
17Sonny Ridenhour74+274$143
20Ken Ellsworth76+476$143
21Gay Brewer77+577$143
22Don Iverson72Even72$918
22Ken Fulton72Even72$629
22David Glenz72Even72$363
22Jim Jewell72Even72$363
26Doug Sanders73+173$3,633
26Byron Comstock73+173$1,600
26Bob Smith73+173$363
26Billy Ziobro73+173$143
30Joe Campbell74+274$629
30Jack Ewing74+274$143
32Steve Reid75+375$143
32Phil Rodgers75+375$0
34Martin Roesink76+476$143
34Ed Furgol76+476$143
34Don Headings76+476$143
37John Schroeder69-369$2,510
37Dan Sikes69-369$1,600
37Dick Lotz69-369$918
40Hale Irwin70-270$7,733
40Larry Ziegler70-270$7,733
42John Schlee71-171$2,510
42Charles Sifford71-171$918
44David Graham72Even72$7,733
44Jim Ferriell72Even72$1,600
44Bobby Cole72Even72$629
44Jack Lewis72Even72$143
48Julius Boros74+274$143
48Dave Marad74+274$143
50Jimmy Wright75+375$918
50John Mahaffey75+375$918
50Rod Curl75+375$143
53Orville Moody76+476$0
54Mac McLendon81+981$0
55J.C. Snead70-270$2,510
55Mike Morley70-270$143
57Mason Rudolph71-171$3,633
57Roy Pace71-171$918
57Ralph Baker71-171$629
57Mike Wynn71-171$143
61Jim Jamieson73+173$1,600
61Ralph Johnston73+173$918
61Rich Bassett73+173$363
61George Knudson73+173$220
61Terry Wilcox73+173$143
66Larry Wood74+274$143
66Lionel Hebert74+274$143
68Allen Miller75+375$0
68Bobby Nichols75+375$0
68Eddie Pearce75+375$0
68Wayne Peddy75+375$0
68Mike Hill75+375$0
73Joel Goldstrand76+476$0
74Butch Baird78+678$0
75Charles Coody69-369$3,633
76Ed Moehling70-270$629
76Steve Melnyk70-270$520
76George Johnson70-270$143
79Lou Graham71-171$20,000
80Homero Blancas72Even72$1,600
80Ed Sneed72Even72$629
80Dale Douglass72Even72$363
80Tom Shaw72Even72$363
84Dave Hill73+173$143
84Brad Anderson73+173$143
84Sam Adams73+173$143
87Bob Goalby75+375$0
87Les Peterson75+375$0
87Chuck Courtney75+375$0
90Marion Heck76+476$0
91Gary Bowerman77+577$0
92Rolf Deming78+678$0
93Gary Groh70-270$520
93Larry White70-270$143
95Randy Wolff72Even72$143
96Pete Brown73+173$0
97Dick Hendrickson74+274$0
97Bob Bruno74+274$0
97Cesar Sanudo74+274$0
100George Hixon76+476$0
100Steve Oppermann76+476$0
100Tom Ulozas76+476$0
100Curtis Sifford76+476$0
104Bob Payne77+577$0
105Bob Bourne78+678$0
106Jim Marshall67-567$143
107Chuck Thorpe68-468$143
108Bobby Greenwood69-369$2,510
109Bob Charles70-270$363
110Ron Cerrudo71-171$220
111Mike Souchak72Even72$0
112Harry Toscano73+173$0
112Bob Erickson73+173$0
114John Lister74+274$0
114Bob Galloway74+274$0
114Bill Garrett74+274$0
117Jerry Barrier76+476$0
118Bob Lewis77+577$0
119Mike Reasor79+779$0
120Bob Lunn73+173$0
121Ben Kern74+274$0
121Rik Massengale74+274$0
121Ras Allen74+274$0
124Dave Haberle75+375$0
125Bobby Loy76+476$0
126Bob Spence77+577$0
127Marty Fleckman78+678$0
128Forrest Fezler74+274$0
129Bob Eastwood75+375$0
130Odell Trueblood78+678$0
131Martin Bohen71-171$0
132Doug Olson73+173$0
133Howie Johnson75+375$0
134Richie Karl65-765$520
135Jim Barker74+274$0

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