Thursday November 2, 1972
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Thursday November 2, 1972

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • At the Paris Peace Talks, North Vietnam stated that it will not talk further with Henry Kissinger until the U.S. agrees to sign the peace pact. North Vietnamese minister Xuan Thuy was absent. His deputy, Nguyen Minh Vi, said that the Nixon administration is reneging on the agreement and the chance of getting American POW's home for Christmas by refusing to sign the nine-point peace plan. Kissinger says that he still needs another round of talks in order to conclude the negotiations. South Vietnam's Nguyen Xuan Phong proposed talks involving South Vietnam, North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. U.S. Ambassador Porter believes that the remaining differences can be settled quickly. [CBS]
  • Three Americans were killed in Vietnam last week and 17 were wounded. 504 ARVN are dead along with 2,081 enemy. [CBS]
  • North Vietnam is still rushing men and supplies into South Vietnam, staging heavy attacks in order to grab land before the cease-fire. Duc Co in the Central Highlands has fallen, and the South Vietnamese base near Pleiku is endangered. The Associated Press reported that the U.S. is hastily sending aircraft and armor to South Vietnam. [CBS]
  • Speaking in Chicago, George McGovern attacked South Vietnam's President Thieu for holding up Vietnam peace. In Cincinnati, pro-Nixon supporters chanted during a McGovern rally. McGovern charged that those who heckled Vice President Agnew in California were planted in order to make the Democrats look bad. [CBS]
  • At an Agnew rally in Los Angeles today, a heckler was punched. The victim was charged with disrupting the peace; his attacker was not charged at all. The heckler, George Katzioficas, an antiwar activist, denied being part of a planned incident, as did his puncher.

    Agnew denied that the demonstration was planned but acknowledged that he had prepared notes to deal with hecklers. Agnew stated that protesters interfere with his right to free speech with their "brown-shirt" tactics, and he indicated the possible need for new laws to curb such protests. [CBS]

  • Senator Barry Goldwater, campaigning for Republicans in Michigan, said that Watergate is a Democrat plot. [CBS]
  • Cargill Corporation, one of the six big grain firms involved with the sale of U.S. wheat to Russia, reported that it lost money on the deal. [CBS]
  • A group seized control of the offices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington, DC, protesting government injustices toward Indians. Calling themselves the "trail of broken treaties," 500 Indians are demanding better conditions on reservations. Russell Means of the American Indian Movement threatened that in 1976 America will not have a happy 200th birthday if Indian grievances are not heard. Trouble erupted when police tried to force the Indians out of the building. [CBS]
  • Pennsylvania Governor Milton Shapp guaranteed yesterday that 12-year-old Kevin Marshall, a hemophiliac, will receive treatment without forcing the family onto welfare. However, Kevin's mother must recruit 36 blood donors each month, which she feels is impossible. [CBS]
  • In the Kansas Senate race, Democrat Arch Tetzlaff, who was a German soldier during World War II, stated that his background should not be brought up in the campaign. Incumbent Republican Senator James Pearson expects to be re-elected and does not mention his opponent (or his background) at all during campaign speeches. Tetzlaff says that he is firmly committed against war, and he feels empathy with American soldiers returning from Vietnam who are fighting an "unjust" war. [CBS]
  • Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's Liberal party picked up one seat in a recount. This deadlocks the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives with 109 parliamentary seats each. [CBS]
  • The Labor Department reported that wholesale prices were down 0.2% in October. [CBS]

Stock Market Report

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 973.06 (+4.52, +0.47%)
S&P Composite: 113.23 (+0.56, +0.50%)
Arms Index: 0.68

Total Volume20.69
* in millions of shares

Arms Index is the ratio of volume per declining issue to volume per advancing issue; a figure below 1.0 is bullish.

Market Index Trends
November 1, 1972968.54112.6721.36
October 31, 1972955.52111.5815.45
October 30, 1972946.42110.5911.82
October 27, 1972946.42110.6215.47
October 26, 1972950.56110.9920.79
October 25, 1972951.38110.7217.43
October 24, 1972952.51110.8115.24
October 23, 1972951.31110.3514.19
October 20, 1972942.81109.2415.74
October 19, 1972932.12108.0513.85

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