Monday November 13, 1972
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Monday November 13, 1972

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • General Alexander Haig and President Thieu of South Vietnam have ended their talks. A Saigon newspaper reported no progress, and no peace near. Haig and his boss, national security adviser Henry Kissinger, arrived at President Nixon's mountain retreat in Camp David, Maryland, to brief him on Vietnam peace developments. Earlier prospects for a quick Vietnam peace settlement may have been overstated, according to press secretary Ron Ziegler. No solid agreement has yet been reached between President Nixon and President Thieu on the terms for a cease-fire. Thieu has called for clearing the demilitarized zone of all foreign troops, assurances that a coalition government will not emerge, his own signature on the peace accord, and the withdrawal of North Vietnamese troops from South Vietnam. [CBS]
  • Fighting erupted near Quang Tri, South Vietnam. [CBS]
  • The Pentagon announced plans to close or cut back operations at many military installations across the country. [CBS]
  • Passengers of the hijacked Southern Airways jet which spent 28 hours flying from airport to airport before settling in Cuba criticized the FBI's tactic of shooting out the plane's tires. The action infuriated the hijackers who shot and wounded the co-pilot as a reprisal. Assistant Transportation Secretary Benjamin Davis said that the three hijackers had been profiled by airline employees as potential hijackers, and they were searched electronically. Federal Aviation Administration officials reported that Cuban officials have jailed the hijackers. [CBS]
  • Democrat governors meeting in Arlington, Va., have called for a change in party leaders and policies. Arkansas Governor Dale Bumpers said he feels that Democratic national chairman Jean Westwood should resign. The governors are seeking to "de-McGovernize" the Democratic party and move it back to the center. [CBS]
  • George McGovern claims that 20 million of President Nixon's votes came from George Wallace's supporters. McGovern told reporters in the Virgin Islands that he asked Wallace for an endorsement, but didn't get it. [CBS]
  • The Supreme Court has cleared the way for the resumption of the Pentagon Papers trial of Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo. They are charged with espionage, conspiracy and misuse of government property in leaking the papers to the press. The trial recessed last July due to the revelation of the government's wiretap of a defense attorney. The Supreme Court has now ruled that the wiretap had no bearing on the case. Asked for his reaction, Ellsberg stated that the Supreme Court decision reflects the Nixon administration's permissiveness toward officials who break laws. [CBS]
  • The Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of Los Angeles reporter William Farr, who is being held in contempt of court for not revealing his sources. The case involves the Sharon Tate murder and the Manson "family" cult trial. Members of the Manson family have surfaced in Stockton, California, where Lynette Fromme and Nancy Pitman are charged in the murder of a Marine and his wife. [CBS]
  • At Fort Ord, California, the trial of Pvt. Billy Dean Smith is getting underway. Smith is accused in a "fragging" incident which took place in a barracks in March, 1971, near Saigon. The prosecuting attorney in the court-martial proceedings said that Smith planned the deaths of two officers; Smith denied the charges. A grenade safety pin was found in Smith's pocket after the incident. [CBS]
  • The U.S. has agreed to a $35 million program of technical aid for Turkish farmers to help them switch from growing poppy crops. [CBS]

Stock Market Report

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 997.07 (+1.81, +0.18%)
S&P Composite: 113.90 (+0.17, +0.15%)
Arms Index: 0.92

Total Volume17.21
* in millions of shares

Arms Index is the ratio of volume per declining issue to volume per advancing issue; a figure below 1.0 is bullish.

Market Index Trends
November 10, 1972995.26113.7324.36
November 9, 1972988.26113.5017.04
November 8, 1972983.74113.3524.62
November 6, 1972984.80113.9821.33
November 3, 1972984.12114.2222.51
November 2, 1972973.06113.2320.69
November 1, 1972968.54112.6721.36
October 31, 1972955.52111.5815.45
October 30, 1972946.42110.5911.82
October 27, 1972946.42110.6215.47

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