Tuesday November 28, 1972
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Prime-time network TV listings for Tuesday November 28, 1972:

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
CBS Maude: Maude's Reunion Hawaii Five-O: 'V' For Vashon: The Patriarch (3) Movie: Pretty Poison (1968)
ABC Temperature's Rising: Witchcraft, Washington Style TV Movie: Home For The Holidays (1972) Marcus Welby, M.D.: Jason Be Nimble, Jason Be Quick
NBC Bonanza: The Hidden Enemy The Bold Ones: The New Doctors: An Inalienable Right To Die America: Home From Home


Program details:

[CBS 8:00] Maude [Reg]: Maude's Reunion
Season 1, episode 11
W: Budd Grossman, Alan J. Levitt, Leo Rifkin   D: Bill Hobin

With Barbara Rush (Phyllis "Bunny" Nash). Maude's best friend in high school pays a surprise visit and surprises just about everyone -- especially Maude.

[ABC 8:00] Temperature's Rising [Reg]: Witchcraft, Washington Style
Season 1, episode 11
W: Fred S. Fox, Seaman Jacobs   D: Oscar Rudolph

With Ketty Lester (Nurse Ferguson), Milton Frome (Nickerson), Alan Oppenheimer (George). Dr. Noland resorts to phony sorcery to treat a patient who believes in witchcraft and has to have an operation.

[NBC 8:00] Bonanza [Reg]: The Hidden Enemy
Season 14, episode 10
W: Stanley Roberts   D: Alf Kjellin

With Mike Farrell (Dr. Will Agar), Harry Holcombe (Dr. Martin), Jason Wingreen (Graham), Russell Thorson (Judge Phelps), Ayn Ruymen (Nurse Evie Parker), Melissa Murphy (Nancy Agar), David Huddleston (Myles Johnson), Mel Gallagher (Smitty), Gary Busey (Henry Johnson), Mons Kjellin (Chris Agar). The new doctor in Virginia City is gaining the town's respect -- until an injured boy dies during an operation. Ben Cartwright then learns that the doctor is addicted to morphine.

[CBS 8:30] Hawaii Five-O [Reg]: 'V' For Vashon: The Patriarch (3)
Season 5, episode 11
W: Alvin Sapinsley   D: Charles S. Dubin

With Luther Adler (Dominick Vashon), Harold Gould (Honore Vashon), Glenn Cannon (John Manicote), John Stalker (Harvey Mathieson Drew), Robert Luck (Fred Sullivan), David 'Lippy' Espinda (Joe Akkoda), Beau Van Den Ecker (Chuck Price), Wisa D'Orso (Mrs. Drew), Norman duPont (Berman), Elizabeth Cole (Margurite Vashon), John Beatty (Bobby Raisbeck). With his son in prison and his grandson dead and buried -- both as a result of McGarrett's actions -- the patriarch of the Vashon family devises a cunning scheme to frame McGarrett and send him to prison in disgrace.

[ABC 8:30] TV Movie: Home For The Holidays (1972)
W: Joseph Stefano   D: John Llewellyn Moxey

With Walter Brennan, Eleanor Parker, Sally Field, Jessica Walter, Julie Harris, Jill Haworth. An aging father summons his four estranged daughters to his bedside when he becomes convinced his second wife is slowly poisoning him to death.

[NBC 9:00] The Bold Ones: The New Doctors [Reg]: An Inalienable Right To Die
Season 4, episode 9
W: Robert Van Scoyk, Gustave Field   D: Walter Doniger

With James Douglas (Tom Sandral), Robert Foxworth (Alex Morrow), Susan Clark (Janice Morrow), Michael Pataki (Dr. Wardlow), Michael Fox (Carl Hedge), Jason Wingreen (Abe Fryman), Kathleen Hughes (Mrs. Carlson), Stephen Hudis (Cliff Morrow). A woman, paralyzed from the neck down and suffering kidney damage, demands treatment be halted so that another patient may have a chance to live by means of dialysis.

[CBS 9:30] Movie: Pretty Poison (1968)
W: Lorenzo Semple, Jr.   D: Noel Black

With Anthony Perkins, Tuesday Weld, Beverly Garland, John Randolph, Dick O'Neill, Ken Kercheval. An unstable young man and a passionate high school girl live in their own fantasy world of revenge and terror.

[ABC 10:00] Marcus Welby, M.D. [Reg]: Jason Be Nimble, Jason Be Quick
Season 4, episode 11
W: David Moessinger   D: David Moessinger

With James Stacy (Phil Darrow), Linda Marsh (Nancy Darrow), Lee H. Montgomery (Jason Darrow). A 12-year-old boy who is stricken with rheumatoid arthritis must also face conflicts between his estranged parents.

[NBC 10:00] America: Home From Home [special] The second segment of Alistair Cooke's historical series centers on the establishment of the first English colonies in Virginia and Massachusetts and the personalities who made them popular: Captain John Smith, who saved the Jamestown colony from starvation and hostile Indians; John Winthrop, leader of the Massachusetts colony; and the first use of slave labor in the colonies and the beginnings of plantation society.

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