Thursday December 7, 1972
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Prime-time network TV listings for Thursday December 7, 1972:

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
CBS The Waltons: The Dust Bowl Cousins Movie: The African Queen (1951)
ABC The Mod Squad: Belinda -- End Of Little Miss Bubble Gum Assignment Vienna: Annalisa Owen Marshall, Counselor At Law: Starting Over Again
NBC The Flip Wilson Show Ironside: Who'll Cry For My Baby? The Dean Martin Show


Program details:

[CBS 8:00] The Waltons [Reg]: The Dust Bowl Cousins
Season 1, episode 12
W: Paul Savage   D: Robert Butler

With Robert Donner (Yancy Tucker), Ken Wolger (Job Denby), Jay W. MacIntosh (Cora Denby), Warren Vanders (Ham Denby). Olivia's cousin Cora and her family arrive from Kansas, saying they lost their farm in the Dust Bowl and wish to live with the Waltons until they can find work.

[ABC 8:00] The Mod Squad [Reg]: Belinda -- End Of Little Miss Bubble Gum
Season 5, episode 13
W: Bryn Morgan   D: Seymour Robbie

With Ruth Roman (Irene Morris), Catherine Burns (Belinda), Dane Clark (Blake Morris), Bob Balaban (Tony), John Karlen (Johnny Wexford), Len Lesser (Burns), Vernon Weddle (Red Benson), Anthony James (Charlie Inch). The squad is suspicious of a former child movie star's two near misses with death when it's revealed that she will soon receive money held in trust for her.

[NBC 8:00] The Flip Wilson Show [Reg]
Season 3, episode 12

With Tony Randall, Dionne Warwick, Jack Burns, Avery Schreiber. Flip plays his window washer character, Marvin, who barges in on a meeting between big businessmen Randall, Burns and Schreiber. Tony and Flip team up for a satire on record-selling TV commercials. In another segment, Burns plays a psychiatrist treating Schreiber, who thinks he's a balloon. Miss Warwick sings "Daydreaming" and "Anyone Who Had A Heart".

[CBS 9:00] Movie: The African Queen (1951)
W: James Agee, John Huston   D: John Huston

With Humphrey Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, Robert Morley, Peter Bull, Theodore Bikel, Walter Cotell. A prim old-maid missionary hires a tough river boatman to seek revenge for the death of her father at the hands of the Germans.

[ABC 9:00] Assignment Vienna [Reg]: Annalisa
Season 1, episode 4
W: Jerry Ludwig, Eric Bercovici   D: Bruce Kessler

With Rosemary Forsyth (Annalisa), Paul Mantee (Karafatma), John Ericson, Victor Buono. A woman from Jake Webster's past suddenly reappears to ask him for help in clearing her husband of a murder charge.

[NBC 9:00] Ironside [Reg]: Who'll Cry For My Baby?
Season 6, episode 11
W: David P. Harmon   D: Richard Donner

With Charles McGraw (Marvin), Tisha Sterling (Wanda), Titos Vandis (Anton Bolen), Val Bisoglio (Charley). An old man, grieving for his murdered daughter, urges police to solve the killing despite the slimmest of clues.

[ABC 10:00] Owen Marshall, Counselor At Law [Reg]: Starting Over Again
Season 2, episode 12

With Tab Hunter, James Stacy, Frank Campanella, Florida Friebus. A disc jockey with an electronic alibi arranges his wife's murder to incriminate a sportscaster.

[NBC 10:00] The Dean Martin Show [Reg]
Season 8, episode 11

With Mike Connors, Carol Channing. In a feature skit, Dean plays the proprietor of "Rent a Husband", with Carol as a customer. Dean and Mike are inventors waiting in a patent office; talk about new trends in autos in the barber shop. Carol and Dean, on roller skates, sing "Brand New Key".

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