Saturday December 9, 1972
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Prime-time network TV listings for Saturday December 9, 1972:

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
CBS All In The Family: Edith's Winning Ticket Bridget Loves Bernie: You Are Cordially Not Invited The Mary Tyler Moore Show: Operation: Lou The Bob Newhart Show: Bob And Emily And Howard And Carol And Jerry Mission: Impossible: Crack-Up
ABC Alias Smith And Jones: McGuffin The Streets Of San Francisco: The Year Of The Locusts The Sixth Sense: Five Widows Weeping
NBC Emergency!: Musical Mania Movie: Love Is A Ball (1963)


Program details:

[CBS 8:00] All In The Family [Reg]: Edith's Winning Ticket
Season 3, episode 13
W: Don Nicholl   D: John Rich, Bob Lahendro

With Mel Stewart (Henry Jefferson), Isabel Sanford (Louise Jefferson). When Edith finds some old lottery tickets that she had forgotten about, Archie hits the ceiling over Edith's wasting money -- until he discovers that they are winning tickets.

[ABC 8:00] Alias Smith And Jones [Reg]: McGuffin
Season 3, episode 10
W: Nicholas E. Baehr   D: Alexander Singer

With L.Q. Jones (Peterson), Clarke Gordon (McGuffin), Jackie Coogan (Passenger Agent), Darleen Carr (Kate Lewis), Walter Brooke (Chief Agent), Jack Manning (Dr. O'Connell). With great fears of jeopardizing their chances for amnesty, Heyes and Curry agree to participate in a mysterious rescue south of the border.

[NBC 8:00] Emergency! [Reg]: Musical Mania
Season 2, episode 11
W: Kenneth Dorward   D: Christian I. Nyby II

With Lillian Lehman (Carol Williams), Scottie McGregor (Myrna Snyder), Stephen R. Hudis (Larry Snyder), Kathy Clarke (Mary Kate Clements), Kathryn Kelly Wiget (Betty Snyder), Alice Nunn (Mrs. Lucille Rogers), Russell Wiggins (Clements), Kathleen Lloyd (Mrs. Clemmins). Paramedic Gage drives personnel at the station crazy with his futile attempts to learn musical instruments; Dr. Brackett is confronted with a case of lockjaw; the paramedics treat a frost bite victim and a high school girl high on drugs.

[CBS 8:30] Bridget Loves Bernie [Reg]: You Are Cordially Not Invited
Season 1, episode 13
W: Ron Friedman

With Ivor Barry (Charles), Stafford Repp (Cavendish), Charles La Torre (French Ambassador), Alfred Dennis (Francois). The Steinbergs aren't invited to the Fitzgeralds' party honoring Israel's Moshe Dayan, even though Sophie tries to wangle an invitation.

[CBS 9:00] The Mary Tyler Moore Show [Reg]: Operation: Lou
Season 3, episode 13
W: Elias Davis, David Pollock   D: Jay Sandrich

With Linda Sublette (Nurse), Florida Friebus (Nun). Lou Grant checks into a hospital for minor surgery and puts Mary in charge of the newsroom while he's gone.

[ABC 9:00] The Streets Of San Francisco [Reg]: The Year Of The Locusts
Season 1, episode 11
W: Theodore J. Flicker   D: Arthur H. Nadel

With Penny Santon (Ma Ferguson), George Voskovec (Angus Ferguson), Michael Ansara (Albert Ferguson), Rita Lynn (Bonnie Ferguson), John Roper (Jerry Ferguson), Christopher Stone (Josh Evans). In their attempt to bring down a family of con artists who victimize entire neighborhoods, Stone and Keller are aided by dissension among the gang members.

[NBC 9:00] Movie: Love Is A Ball (1963)
W: David Swift, Frank Waldman, Tom Waldman   D: David Swift

With Glenn Ford, Hope Lange, Charles Boyer, Ricardo Montalban. A down-at-his-heels adventurer is enlisted by a suave matchmaker who is determined to groom his protege as the perfect mate for a rich, beautiful and impetuous girl.

[CBS 9:30] The Bob Newhart Show [Reg]: Bob And Emily And Howard And Carol And Jerry
Season 1, episode 12
W: Charlotte Brown   D: Peter Baldwin

With Marilyn Child (Mrs. Walker), Pat Morita (Bartender), Shizuko Hoshi (Waitress), James Hong (Man). Carol decides that Howard Borden is the man for her, not realizing that his suave approach is the result of a pain killer given him by the dentist.

[CBS 10:00] Mission: Impossible [Reg]: Crack-Up
Season 7, episode 12
W: Arthur Weiss   D: Sutton Roley

With Cathleen Cordell (Mrs. Taylor), Marlyn Mason (Sandy), Peter Breck (Harry Cordel), Alex Cord (Peter Cordel), Ralph Johns (Samuels), Britt Leach (Leslie Harper), Arthur Franz (Dr. Adler), Stephen Roberts (President). Phelps poses as a master chess champion to trap a criminal with a near genius mentality and his mysterious boss.

[ABC 10:00] The Sixth Sense [Reg]: Five Widows Weeping
Season 2, episode 10
D: Allen Baron

With Nelson Welch (Eames), William Jordan (John Sutherland), Ellen Weston (Joanna Sutherland), Hank Brandt (Steve Sutherland), Barry Sullivan (Amos Sutherland), Mary Ann Mobley (Nancy Sutherland). Dr. Rhodes attempts to clarify the terrifying visions of a rich wife who sees her husband dead and buried.

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