Sunday March 18, 1973
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Sunday March 18, 1973

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • Three planeloads of former POWs arrived in the U.S. from the Philippines. At Kelly Air Force Base in Texas, Col. John Flynn said that Hanoi jails were much like the Alamo. Two of the men, Sgt. James Daly and Pvt. Fred Albert, made antiwar statements while they were prisoners, as did six others. The Defense Department has indicated it will treat the eight men with compassion.

    The POW camp known as the "Hanoi Hilton" was visited by a news photographer. A guard said that the prisoners were divided into two groups and often fought with each other. [NBC]

  • Heavy rains have caused severe flooding in Tennessee, where 37 counties are declared disaster areas. Alabama and Mississippi are also flooded. The Tennessee River is at its highest level in 50 years. Damage is estimated by the Tennessee Valley Authority at $35 million. The Chattanooga airport flooded; many in the area were evacuated from their homes.

    Jackson, Michigan has been hard hit by recent snows. Freeways around the area are closed because of snow drifts. A state of emergency has been declared there and in eight other cities in Michigan. [NBC]

  • The government and Indians are still negotiating at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Some shooting was reported on the reservation today. Shots were exchanged when an Indian tried to leave the reservation; a medical volunteer was slightly wounded. Assistant Attorney General Harlington Wood offered American Indian Movement leaders a settlement plan. AIM spokesman Russell Means said that Wood's proposal is for Indians to lay down their arms and give themselves up. Then leaders would meet with administration officials, after which they would submit to imprisonment. No decision on the plan has been made. [NBC]
  • The "Gray Panthers", an organization for the elderly, is demanding better treatment for senior citizens. Congress is preparing legislation for the elderly, but more than just legislation is necessary. Gray Panthers spokesman Maggie Kuhn says that the elderly are ready to be radicalized; they don't want to be "discarded" citizens. [NBC]
  • American planes bombed Cambodia. In Phnom Penh, the government of Lon Nol tightened security after yesterday's bombing of the presidential palace. The plane which bombed the palace was piloted by Captain So Patra, an air force officer who recently flunked pilot training. Patra has been living with Prince Sihanouk's daughter. The reason for the bombing is unclear. The palace itself was not damaged but an army barracks housing soldiers and their families was hit. At least 36 were killed and 50 injured. The current whereabouts of Capt. Patra are unknown. [NBC]
  • Amtrak's Broadway Limited train derailed near East Palestine, Ohio, during a snow storm. One person was killed and 19 were injured. [NBC]
  • One person was killed and 25 injured when a car exploded in Northern Ireland. [NBC]
  • Rep. Wilbur Mills, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, declared that President Nixon's economic controls aren't working. [NBC]
  • Senator Sam Ervin threatened the arrest of presidential aides who refuse to testify before his committee which is investigating the Watergate case. Ervin's committee has also been looking into the nomination of L. Patrick Gray as FBI director. [NBC]
  • Mrs. Pat Nixon celebrated her 61st birthday yesterday at the White House. President Nixon noted that it was Pat's birthday as well as St. Patrick's Day. He introduced Merle Haggard and Bonnie Owens & the Strangers, who performed for the First Lady. [NBC]
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