Wednesday February 6, 1974
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Wednesday February 6, 1974:

Scores through round 1 of the 1974 Bob Hope Desert Classic

Tournament held at Indian Wells Country Club (Indian Wells, CA) from February 6, 1974 to February 10, 1974     (Par 72)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5To ParTotalWinnings
1Mark Hayes68-468$6,249
2Mike McCullough69-369$6,249
2Lee Elder69-369$2,804
4Labron Harris70-270$3,686
4John Lister70-270$2,804
4Rick Acton70-270$0
7Bert Yancey71-171$18,276
7John Mahaffey71-171$11,377
7Dave Hill71-171$2,804
7Jim Colbert71-171$1,482
7J.C. Snead71-171$1,482
7Jack Ewing71-171$1,482
7Vern Novak71-171$320
7John Ruedi71-171$320
7Tom Shaw71-171$320
16Hubert Green72Even72$32,048
16Johnny Miller72Even72$6,249
16George Knudson72Even72$4,527
16John Schlee72Even72$2,804
16Bob Rosburg72Even72$1,162
16Mike Reasor72Even72$1,162
16Terry Small72Even72$689
16Grier Jones72Even72$689
16Billy Ziobro72Even72$497
16Bob Stanton72Even72$497
16Don Bies72Even72$382
27Tom Jenkins73+173$2,404
27Bob Unger73+173$2,163
27Ken Still73+173$1,923
27Miller Barber73+173$1,482
27Lionel Hebert73+173$1,162
27Bob Menne73+173$907
27Jerry Heard73+173$256
27Rod Curl73+173$0
27Dick Mast73+173$0
36Bob Murphy74+274$6,249
36Dwight Nevil74+274$4,527
36David Graham74+274$3,686
36Bobby Nichols74+274$1,482
36Dick Lotz74+274$1,482
36Gay Brewer74+274$1,162
36Ray Floyd74+274$907
36Jim Dent74+274$907
36Steve Melnyk74+274$689
36David Jimenez74+274$382
36Joe Inman74+274$0
36Rocky Thompson74+274$0
36Rik Massengale74+274$0
36Mac McLendon74+274$0
50Billy Casper75+375$2,163
50Gary Groh75+375$1,042
50Jack Fleck75+375$907
50Charles Coody75+375$689
50Rod Funseth75+375$689
50John Jacobs75+375$497
50Mike Morley75+375$497
50Gil Morgan75+375$382
50Chuck Courtney75+375$382
50Jim Wiechers75+375$382
50Mac Hunte75+375$276
50Bob Goalby75+375$0
50Larry Mancour75+375$0
50Gary McCord75+375$0
50Bill Johnston75+375$0
50Gardner Dickinson75+375$0
50Orville Moody75+375$0
50Tommy Jacobs75+375$0
50George Johnson75+375$0
69Doug Sanders76+476$907
69Bob Wynn76+476$689
69Tommy McGinnis76+476$689
69Arnold Palmer76+476$382
69Victor Regalado76+476$320
69Larry Hinson76+476$288
69Richie Karl76+476$256
69Chi Chi Rodriguez76+476$0
69Dave Stockton76+476$0
69Bob Allard76+476$0
69Rick Rhoads76+476$0
69Monty Kaser76+476$0
69Bob Payne76+476$0
69Ralph Johnston76+476$0
69Dan Halldorson76+476$0
69Clive Clark76+476$0
69Bob Zender76+476$0
69Marty Fleckman76+476$0
69Tom Nieporte76+476$0
88Phil Rodgers77+577$320
88Dennis Meyer77+577$320
88Curtis Sifford77+577$256
88Jerry Barber77+577$0
88Pete Brown77+577$0
88Gene Torres77+577$0
88Allen Miller77+577$0
88Randy Erskine77+577$0
88Don Iverson77+577$0
88Jim Langley77+577$0
88Bruce Devlin77+577$0
88Rafe Botts77+577$0
100Claude Harmon79+779$0
100Bob Lunn79+779$0
100Larry Wood79+779$0
100Terry Ferraro79+779$0
100George Cadle79+779$0
105Bud Allin80+880$3,686
105Jerry McGee80+880$382
105Terry Wilcox80+880$320
105Dale Douglass80+880$0
105Tom Sanderson80+880$0
105Eddie Pearce80+880$0
111Ben Crenshaw81+981$497
111Bruce Fleisher81+981$276
113Dewitt Weaver82+1082$382
113Vic Martin82+1082$0
115Wally Armstrong84+1284$0
115Jim Ferriell84+1284$0
117Roger Parker86+1486$0

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