Thursday April 18, 1974
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Thursday April 18, 1974:

Scores through round 1 of the 1974 Monsanto Open

Tournament held at Pensacola Country Club (Pensacola, FL) from April 18, 1974 to April 21, 1974     (Par 71)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1Dave Eichelberger66-566$0
2Mike Higgins69-269$0
3Bob Wynn71Even71$0
3Bob Dickson71Even71$0
3Labron Harris71Even71$0
3Fred Marti71Even71$0
7Vern Novak72+172$0
7Randy Erskine72+172$0
7Ron Cerrudo72+172$0
7Lee Wykle72+172$0
7Ken Still72+172$0
7Peter Davison72+172$0
7Bobby Mitchell72+172$0
14Ralph Johnston73+273$0
14Mike Morley73+273$0
14Doug Ford73+273$0
14Jim Ferriell73+273$0
14Joe Inman73+273$0
14Wally Armstrong73+273$0
14Mike McCullough73+273$0
21Tommy Aaron74+374$0
21Jim Masserio74+374$0
21Jim Barber74+374$0
21Roy Pace74+374$0
21Babe Hiskey74+374$0
21Bobby Heins74+374$0
21Howell Fraser74+374$0
21Frank Mize74+374$0
21Mac McLendon74+374$0
30Wilf Honenuik75+475$0
30Julius Boros75+475$0
30Jim Jamieson75+475$0
30Ras Allen75+475$0
30Bruce Ashworth75+475$0
30Dale Douglass75+475$0
30Van Stewart75+475$0
30George Johnson75+475$0
38Don Iverson76+576$0
38Buddy Whitten76+576$0
38Larry Wise76+576$0
38Dave Hill76+576$0
38Steve Lyles76+576$0
38Bobby Walzel76+576$0
38Joe Porter76+576$0
38Tom Jenkins76+576$0
38John Toepel76+576$0
38Allen Miller76+576$0
38Sam Adams76+576$0
38Jon Gustin76+576$0
38Chuck Thorpe76+576$0
38Dewitt Weaver76+576$0
38Roger Parker76+576$0
38Rich Bland76+576$0
54Mike Kallam77+677$0
54Johnny Pott77+677$0
54Bunky Henry77+677$0
54Bob Smith77+677$0
54Rick Rhoads77+677$0
54Billy Ziobro77+677$0
60Lou Graham78+778$0
60Ben Kern78+778$0
60Don Padgett78+778$0
60Rocky Thompson78+778$0
64Bruce Fleisher79+879$0
64Ron Hoyt79+879$0
66Jeff Steinberg86+1586$0
67Lee Elder67-467$30,045
68Bob Payne69-269$1,268
69Charles Sifford68-368$2,854
70Ray Floyd69-269$6,610
70Miller Barber69-269$6,610
72Peter Oosterhuis70-170$17,126
73Bob Stanton71Even71$3,906
74Gibby Gilbert73+273$5,408
75Jim Wiechers75+475$1,878
76Al Geiberger68-368$10,666
76Homero Blancas68-368$2,854
78Byron Comstock70-170$428
79Gary Groh71Even71$957
80John Schlee72+172$1,878
80Bob Charles72+172$1,268
82Paul Moran75+475$1,878
83Marion Heck71Even71$4,807
84Bob Unger73+273$647
84Pete Brown73+273$327
86Nate Starks69-269$1,878
87Bruce Crampton70-170$2,854
88Mason Rudolph71Even71$2,854
88Larry Nelson71Even71$2,854
90Mike Mitchell72+172$327
91Art Wall73+273$1,268
91Victor Regalado73+273$1,268
93Richard Crawford74+374$1,268
93Barney Thompson74+374$647
93Bob Goalby74+374$263
96Jim Simons68-368$957
97Kermit Zarley70-170$1,878
98Jim Colbert71Even71$957
98Charles Coody71Even71$957
100Rod Funseth72+172$957
100Bert Yancey72+172$357
100John Schroeder72+172$357
103Jim Dent73+273$428
104Jack Ewing74+374$4,432
104Lyn Lott74+374$240
106Gil Morgan75+475$289
107Chuck Courtney67-467$647
108Frank Beard68-368$3,906
108Pat Fitzsimons68-368$2,854
108Dick Lotz68-368$428
111Bryan Abbott70-170$357
112Grier Jones71Even71$957
112Dan Sikes71Even71$647
112Orville Moody71Even71$327
115Andy North72+172$428
115David Glenz72+172$263
117Larry Hinson73+273$957
117David Graham73+273$647
119Hubert Green75+475$647
120Chris Blocker67-467$263
121Bob Rosburg71Even71$957
122Andy Thompson74+374$304
123Steve Melnyk72+172$647
123Mike Hill72+172$428
123Mike Reasor72+172$304
123Phil Rodgers72+172$289
127Dwight Nevil73+273$1,878
127Gary Sanders73+273$233
129Mark Hayes69-269$357
130Bob Eastwood74+374$327
131Jerry McGee69-269$647
132Bob Zender70-170$647
132Bob Allard70-170$428
132Ross Randall70-170$263
135Forrest Fezler66-566$263

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