Thursday May 30, 1974
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Thursday May 30, 1974:

Scores through round 1 of the 1974 Kemper Open

Tournament held at Quail Hollow Country Club (Charlotte, NC) from May 30, 1974 to June 2, 1974     (Par 72)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1Tom Watson65-765$3,375
2Bruce Crampton66-666$6,792
3Bob Menne67-567$50,000
3Bert Yancey67-567$5,063
5Kermit Zarley68-468$8,000
5Hubert Green68-468$6,792
5John Jacobs68-468$5,063
5Larry Wise68-468$3,375
5Ray Floyd68-468$3,375
5Ed Sneed68-468$611
11Jerry Heard69-369$28,500
11J.C. Snead69-369$9,625
11Billy Casper69-369$9,625
11Miller Barber69-369$3,375
11Bob Wynn69-369$1,629
11Lanny Wadkins69-369$1,629
11Mike Morley69-369$1,629
11Don Bies69-369$1,177
11Dan Sikes69-369$1,177
11Bobby Mitchell69-369$611
11Ben Crenshaw69-369$519
11Chuck Courtney69-369$419
11Randy Erskine69-369$254
11George Archer69-369$0
11Ben Kern69-369$0
11Mac McLendon69-369$0
11Gay Brewer69-369$0
28Dave Hill70-270$17,750
28Lee Trevino70-270$11,750
28Chi Chi Rodriguez70-270$6,792
28Gibby Gilbert70-270$5,063
28Art Wall70-270$3,375
28Jack Nicklaus70-270$3,375
28Lou Graham70-270$2,156
28Leonard Thompson70-270$1,629
28Rick Rhoads70-270$1,177
28Bob Payne70-270$1,177
28Jim Dent70-270$750
28Wayne Yates70-270$519
28Bob Charles70-270$519
28Gary Player70-270$463
28Dale Douglass70-270$254
28Barney Thompson70-270$0
28Lee Elder70-270$0
28Babe Hiskey70-270$0
28Arnold Palmer70-270$0
28Ron Cerrudo70-270$0
28Sam Snead70-270$0
49Bobby Cole71-171$2,156
49Homero Blancas71-171$1,629
49Hale Irwin71-171$1,629
49Johnny Miller71-171$1,629
49Rod Curl71-171$1,177
49Jim Wiechers71-171$925
49Charles Coody71-171$925
49Wally Armstrong71-171$925
49John Lister71-171$611
49Monty Kaser71-171$611
49Tom Shaw71-171$519
49Joe Inman71-171$463
49Charles Sifford71-171$254
49Larry Wood71-171$0
49Odell Massey71-171$0
49Larry Nelson71-171$0
49Jim Colbert71-171$0
49Mike Reasor71-171$0
67Gene Littler72Even72$5,063
67Bud Allin72Even72$3,375
67Tom Kite72Even72$2,156
67Tom Jenkins72Even72$1,629
67Jerry McGee72Even72$925
67Dwight Nevil72Even72$611
67Roy Pace72Even72$611
67David Graham72Even72$519
67Dave Stockton72Even72$463
67Steve Melnyk72Even72$419
67Bert Greene72Even72$419
67Tom Weiskopf72Even72$0
67Orville Moody72Even72$0
67Bob Galloway72Even72$0
67Jim Barber72Even72$0
67Bob Shaw72Even72$0
67Bobby Heins72Even72$0
67Jack Ewing72Even72$0
67David Strawn72Even72$0
86John Mahaffey73+173$3,375
86Phil Rodgers73+173$611
86John Schlee73+173$519
86Gary McCord73+173$419
86Rod Funseth73+173$0
86David Glenz73+173$0
86Gary Groh73+173$0
86Bruce Fleisher73+173$0
86Andy North73+173$0
86Don Padgett73+173$0
86Bobby Nichols73+173$0
86Joe Porter73+173$0
86Jeff Steinberg73+173$0
86Dave Eichelberger73+173$0
100Bob Zender74+274$2,156
100Larry Hinson74+274$1,629
100Mark Hayes74+274$925
100Forrest Fezler74+274$750
100Frank Beard74+274$611
100Bob Allard74+274$0
100Lon Hinkle74+274$0
100Lyn Lott74+274$0
100Jim Masserio74+274$0
100Dick Rhyan74+274$0
100Charles Owens74+274$0
100Sam Adams74+274$0
100Terry Small74+274$0
100Victor Regalado74+274$0
114Bob Goalby75+375$0
114Tommy Aaron75+375$0
114Larry Ziegler75+375$0
114Bob Eastwood75+375$0
114Mike Hill75+375$0
114Labron Harris75+375$0
114Gil Morgan75+375$0
114Eddie Pearce75+375$0
114Allen Miller75+375$0
114Rick Acton75+375$0
114John Schroeder75+375$0
125Cesar Sanudo76+476$0
125Jim Simons76+476$0
125Mason Rudolph76+476$0
128Ken Venturi77+577$0
128Marion Heck77+577$0
130Lionel Hebert78+678$0

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