Thursday June 6, 1974
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Thursday June 6, 1974:

Scores through round 1 of the 1974 IVB-Philadelphia Golf Classic

Tournament held at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club (Lafayette Hill, PA) from June 6, 1974 to June 9, 1974     (Par 72)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1John Schlee66-666$4,075
2Tom Jenkins67-567$8,850
2Charles Sifford67-567$1,554
4Tom Kite68-468$4,075
4Wally Armstrong68-468$2,400
4Bob Allard68-468$1,554
4Jim Colbert68-468$1,065
4Victor Regalado68-468$830
9Hale Irwin69-369$17,100
9Mike Hill69-369$5,400
9Joe Inman69-369$4,800
9Leonard Thompson69-369$1,554
9Bob Menne69-369$1,200
9Bert Yancey69-369$1,065
9Bob Wynn69-369$830
9Jim Marshall69-369$600
9George Knudson69-369$364
9Henry McQuiston69-369$225
9John Schroeder69-369$0
20Hubert Green70-270$30,000
20Lee Elder70-270$2,400
20Larry Ziegler70-270$1,554
20Ray Floyd70-270$1,065
20Tom Evans70-270$830
20Gary Groh70-270$830
20John Lister70-270$600
20Jim Masserio70-270$600
20Doug Ford70-270$600
20Mark Hayes70-270$424
20Bobby Greenwood70-270$364
20Peter Oosterhuis70-270$311
20Dan Sikes70-270$281
20Tom Shaw70-270$0
34Tom Weiskopf71-171$6,150
34Gary McCord71-171$3,150
34Jim Jamieson71-171$3,150
34Monty Kaser71-171$2,400
34Gary Player71-171$1,554
34Bob Charles71-171$1,065
34Sam Adams71-171$830
34John Kennedy71-171$281
34Butch Baird71-171$240
34Dave Eichelberger71-171$240
34Lon Hinkle71-171$0
34Grier Jones71-171$0
34Labron Harris71-171$0
34Bob Lewis71-171$0
34Bob Zender71-171$0
49Johnny Miller72Even72$8,850
49Dave Hill72Even72$3,150
49Bob Unger72Even72$2,400
49George Johnson72Even72$1,554
49Bunky Henry72Even72$830
49Charles Coody72Even72$600
49Lionel Hebert72Even72$600
49John Jacobs72Even72$364
49Charles Owens72Even72$337
49Rick Acton72Even72$259
49Peter Davison72Even72$0
49Richard Crawford72Even72$0
49Ross Randall72Even72$0
49Dick Smith72Even72$0
49Don Maddox72Even72$0
49Mike Morley72Even72$0
49Joe Data72Even72$0
49Marion Heck72Even72$0
67Don Bies73+173$2,400
67Bud Allin73+173$600
67Sam Farlow73+173$600
67Forrest Fezler73+173$424
67Nate Starks73+173$364
67Gibby Gilbert73+173$337
67Dwight Nevil73+173$337
67Andy North73+173$311
67Andy Thompson73+173$281
67Eddie Pearce73+173$281
67Lou Graham73+173$0
67Allen Miller73+173$0
67Babe Hiskey73+173$0
67Jim Barber73+173$0
81Jim Dent74+274$4,075
81Chi Chi Rodriguez74+274$1,554
81Miller Barber74+274$1,065
81Larry Hinson74+274$311
81Bob Eastwood74+274$311
81Rik Massengale74+274$259
81Paul Moran74+274$240
81Tony Jacklin74+274$0
81Dave Barber74+274$0
81Joe Porter74+274$0
81Terry Small74+274$0
81Jerry McGee74+274$0
81Gil Morgan74+274$0
81Bob Payne74+274$0
95Art Wall75+375$424
95Jerry Heard75+375$0
95Randy Erskine75+375$0
95Lee Wykle75+375$0
95Chuck Courtney75+375$0
95Jim Blanks75+375$0
95Rich Bland75+375$0
95Rick Rhoads75+375$0
95Marty Fleckman75+375$0
95Larry Ringer75+375$0
105Bruce Crampton76+476$424
105J.C. Snead76+476$0
105Pete Brown76+476$0
105Homero Blancas76+476$0
105Ken Still76+476$0
105Dick Rhyan76+476$0
105Dick Hendrickson76+476$0
105Ben Kern76+476$0
105Dwaine Knight76+476$0
105Vincent Tshabalala76+476$0
115Dave Marr77+577$0
115Bob Rosburg77+577$0
115Randy Morris77+577$0
115Jack Connelly77+577$0
115Ken Venturi77+577$0
115Roy Pace77+577$0
115Tommy Aaron77+577$0
115Ed Dougherty77+577$0
115Bill Galloway77+577$0
124Phil Rodgers78+678$0
124Julius Boros78+678$0
124Larry Wise78+678$0
124Mike Wynn78+678$0
124Richie Karl78+678$0
124Bob Ross78+678$0
130Wayne Yates79+779$0
130Jack Ewing79+779$0
132Mike Mitchell80+880$0
133Mike Reasor83+1183$0

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