Saturday August 3, 1974
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Weather Data for selected cities:

CityHi TempLo TempAvg. HiAvg. LoDiffPrecip.HumidityWindConditions
Boston, MA 84 71 81 66 4.0 0.69 in. 78% 11 mph Rain-T'storm
New York City, NY 87 71 84 69 2.5 0.43 in. 75% 11 mph Rain
Philadelphia, PA 88 72 87 69 2.0 0.20 in. 76% 13 mph Rain
Pittsburgh, PA 80 68 82 63 1.5 0.06 in. 79% 10 mph Rain
Richmond, VA 86 71 89 69 -0.5 0.15 in. 82% 8 mph Rain-T'storm
Birmingham, AL 84 72 91 72 -3.5 82% 7 mph
Charlotte, NC 84 68 89 68 -2.5 0.22 in. 82% 10 mph Rain-T'storm
Dallas, TX 90 72 95 76 -4.5 52% 6 mph Pt. Cloudy
Miami, FL 87 75 91 78 -3.5 0.45 in. 71% 12 mph Rain-T'storm
New Orleans, LA 84 69* 90 74 -5.5 0.03 in. 80% 4 mph Rain
Chicago, IL 69 59 83 67 -11.0 0.11 in. 75% 8 mph Rain-T'storm
Cincinnati, OH 79 64 85 66 -4.0 0.78 in. 85% 11 mph Rain
Detroit, MI 82 70 82 65 2.5 69% 10 mph Pt. Cloudy
Minneapolis, MN 57 54 82 63 -17.0 1.34 in. 89% 19 mph Rain
St. Louis, MO 79 57 89 71 -12.0 67% 11 mph
Los Angeles, CA 75 66 74 64 1.5 81% 8 mph Pt. Cloudy
Phoenix, AZ 102 80 105 84 -3.5 45% 9 mph Pt. Cloudy
Salt Lake City, UT 90 64 93 66 -2.5 37% 11 mph
San Diego, CA 75 69 76 67 0.5 73% 7 mph Pt. Cloudy
San Francisco, CA 70 55 72 56 -1.5 84% 10 mph
Seattle, WA 80 57 77 57 1.5 60% 7 mph Pt. Cloudy

The Diff column shows the difference between this day's temperature and the historical average.

* all-time record for this date

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