Saturday September 7, 1974
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Saturday September 7, 1974

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • Federal officials have begun working out a plan to phase out crude oil price controls by February. They are proceeding under orders from Treasury Secretary William Simon and Secretary of the Interior Rogers C. B. Morton. The proposal is said to figure importantly in a backstage power struggle among Mr. Simon, who is chairman of the cabinet-level Energy Committee, Mr. Morton and Federal Energy Administrator John Sawhill. An integral part of the plan that Mr. Simon believes will help to make it politically acceptable to Congress would be the enactment of the windfall profits tax on oil producers proposed by the White House last December. [New York Times]
  • Despite President Ford's announced intention to implement a program of "earned re-entry," most Vietnam deserters and draft evaders insist they will return only under an unconditional amnesty. Anything less, they say, will undermine their choices of conscience, choices their supporters contend were born of anguish and long years of loneliness and isolation. [New York Times]
  • About a half-million Christians have become members of the "charismatic renewal" or "neo-Pentecostal" movement of the Roman Catholic and major Protestant churches. "Charismatics" are evangelical Christians who emphasize the importance of religious experience, such as prayer and liturgies that follow a free flow of emotion, and a "personal" relationship between the believer and Jesus. [New York Times]
  • Under a compromise plan now in the final stages of negotiation between the administration and Congress and said to have Moscow's approval, at least 60,000 Jews and others could emigrate yearly from the Soviet Union. Highly reliable informants said that if agreement could be reached in the next week or two, passage of the administration's long-sought trade reform bill would be assured but, they said, the differences still holding up final approval were not insignificant. One major problem was said to be the exact wording of the legislation permitting the Soviet Union to get both non-discriminatory tariff treatment and continued government-backed Export-Import Bank credits. [New York Times]
  • The United States has stopped delivery of uranium fuel to India, which last May detonated what she described as a "peaceful nuclear explosion," until New Delhi clarifies its policy on nuclear tests. This is the first time that the United States as a matter of policy has stopped shipment of atomic fuel to a foreign country. [New York Times]
  • Testimony before Congress by William Colby, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, indicates that high officials in the State Department and the White House repeatedly and deliberately misled the public and Congress about the extent of United States involvement in the internal affairs of Chile during the three-year government of the late President Salvador Allende. Mr. Colby has told Congress that the Nixon administration authorized more than $8 million for covert C.I.A. activities in an effort to make it impossible for Dr. Allende to govern. Mr. Colby testified that the C.I.A.'s Chilean operations were considered a test of the technique of making large cash payments to bring down a government viewed as antagonistic toward this country, and that they were specifically approved in advanced by the "40 Committee" in Washington, a secret intelligence panel headed by Secretary of State Kissinger. [New York Times]
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