News stories from Sunday September 12, 1971
Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:
- One of the Attica State Prison guards being held hostage by the inmates has died; police may use force to rescue the others. Bobby Seale said that prison officials won't let him into the prison unless he tries to compromise the inmates' position; Seale stated that prison officials should be charged with murder if anything happens to the guards who are held hostage. Attorney William Kunstler thinks the state should reconsider its position because of the lives involved; if the hostages are considered expendable, it may result in as many as 1,000 deaths.
New York corrections commissioner Russell Oswald read a statement which was given to the inmates requesting the release of hostages; Oswald says that he will meet with inmates to discuss their grievances after order is restored.
[CBS] - Senator Alan Cranston will filibuster against the new draft bill beginning tomorrow. [CBS]
- The House will vote concerning the liberalization of disability benefits for miners with black lung disease. In Beckley, West Virginia, physicians are examining miners to improve criteria for the presence of black lung. Doctors charge that the definition and methods of diagnosis of black lung disease are too limited. [CBS]
- Senator George McGovern claims that North Vietnam is no longer demanding that South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu be removed before they release American POWs; McGovern met with the Communist negotiators in Paris and said that their only conditions for the release of POWs are American withdrawal from Vietnam by the end of the year, and an end to U.S. bombing raids.
McGovern thinks that the U.S. should begin to test North Vietnam's proposal immediately, but President Nixon holds the key to the POWs' release -- setting a December 31 withdrawal date.