Monday July 21, 1975
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Monday July 21, 1975

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • Administration sources said that Congress would receive in a few days a second, modified plan for raising the price of domestic crude oil. The House is expected to reject today President Ford's plan of last year that would let prices rise over a period of 30 months to $13.50 a barrel, a ceiling that Mr. Ford would put on some of the crude oil not now under a price limit. [New York Times]
  • President Ford personally apologized to the family of Frank Olson, who is said to have killed himself after he was given a dose of LSD by Central Intelligence Agency agents in 1953. It was announced afterward that Mr. Ford had told the Olsons he would make available information on the case and have the Attorney General meet with their legal representatives "to discuss the claims they wish to assert against the C.I.A. by reason of Dr. Olson's death." [New York Times]
  • The marriage intentions of Christina Onassis, 25-year-old daughter of the late Aristotle Onassis and his principal heir, were disclosed by a relative. Miss Onassis reportedly will marry Alexander Andreadis, the youngest son of a Greek shipping family. [New York Times]
  • For the second time in two weeks, the Soviet Union has entered the United States grain market for sizable purchases, the Department of Agriculture said. The latest transaction involves 177 million bushels of corn and 51 million of barley. The latest purchases seem to support rumors of a drought in the Soviet Union. [New York Times]
  • A federal grand jury in New Orleans indicted the Bunge Corporation, of New York, one of the world's largest grain companies, and 13 present and former employees on charges of conspiracy to steal grain by short-weighting shipments and conspiracy to cover up the thefts. [New York Times]
  • Opposition members of the Indian Parliament, in a special session that was called for a vote on it, condemned the state of emergency declared by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on June 26. They protested the jailing of their colleagues in the opposition, the censorship of the press, and the suspension of civil liberties. But Mrs. Gandhi's Congress party and its supporters have majorities in both houses, and with dozens of the opposition in jail, the government's control of the proceedings was firm. A vote on the emergency declaration is expected tomorrow. [New York Times]
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn accused President Ford of participating in "the betrayal of Eastern Europe" with his announced decision to attend the 35-nation European summit meeting in Helsinki next week and said that he could see no point in meeting with Mr. Ford. [New York Times]

Stock Market Report

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 854.74 (-7.67, -0.89%)
S&P Composite: 92.44 (-0.76, -0.82%)
Arms Index: 1.50

Total Volume16.69
* in millions of shares

Arms Index is the ratio of volume per declining issue to volume per advancing issue; a figure below 1.0 is bullish.

Market Index Trends
July 18, 1975862.4193.2016.87
July 17, 1975864.2893.6321.42
July 16, 1975872.1194.6125.25
July 15, 1975881.8195.6128.34
July 14, 1975875.8695.1921.90
July 11, 1975871.0994.6622.21
July 10, 1975871.8794.8128.88
July 9, 1975871.8794.8026.35
July 8, 1975857.7993.3918.99
July 7, 1975861.0893.5415.85

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