Thursday December 18, 1975
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Prime-time network TV listings for Thursday December 18, 1975:

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
CBS The Waltons: The Intruders Hawaii Five-O: Deadly Persuasion Barnaby Jones: Portrait Of Evil
ABC Barney Miller: Protection On The Rocks: Friendly Persuasion The Streets Of San Francisco: Most Likely To Succeed Lola
NBC Grady: Merry Birthday, Happy Christmas The Cop & The Kid: Notre Dame By 50 Ellery Queen: The Adventure Of The Blunt Instrument Medical Story: Test Case (R)


Program details:

[CBS 8:00] The Waltons [Reg]: The Intruders
Season 4, episode 14
W: Seth Freeman   D: Richard C. Bennett

With Wilford Brimley (Horace), William Lucking (Cobbs), Cal Haynes (Ferris), Tom Howard (Parsons), Don Freeman (Workman), Paul Harper (Grier), James Brodhead (Store Manager), Hal Riddle (Willis), Karen Purcill (Courtney). Autumn of 1936 is at best a disastrous season for the Walton family's lumber business and, as if the outlook isn't bad enough, a new lumber mill roars into operation nearby and begins undercutting the Waltons'' rock-bottom prices.

[ABC 8:00] Barney Miller [Reg]: Protection
Season 2, episode 14
W: Tom Reeder   D: Noam Pitlik

With Jack Somack (Mr. Cotterman), Ralph Manza (Anthony Barelli), Ray Sharkey (David Salas). A protection racket has started in Barney's precinct because of a rumor that the station is being closed down because of the city's financial distress.

[NBC 8:00] Grady [Reg]: Merry Birthday, Happy Christmas
Season 1, episode 3
When Grady's birthday approaches -- the day before Christmas -- son-in-law Hal is assigned the task of keeping Grady out of the house while the surprise party is being planned.

[ABC 8:30] On The Rocks [Reg]: Friendly Persuasion
Season 1, episode 14
D: John Rich

With Ralph Wilcox. Fuentes and another shut-in devise a plan to improve their working conditions.

[NBC 8:30] The Cop & The Kid [Reg]: Notre Dame By 50
Season 1, episode 3

With Patsy Kelly (Brigid Murphy). Lucas learns a lesson from his father, that gambling doesn't pay. He decides to run a football pool instead -- setting up his operation in the police station.

[CBS 9:00] Hawaii Five-O [Reg]: Deadly Persuasion
Season 8, episode 16
W: Tim Maschler   D: Allen Reisner

With George Herman (Harry Oakland), Ed Sheehan (Dr. Stern), Harold Iseke (Officer Lukana), Kario Salem (Brad Stevens), George Playdon (Professor Davis), Wallace Chappell (Bowman), Robert Lee (Captain Tanaka), Gary Miyakawa (Officer White). Officer Danny Williams, a European royal family which is visiting Hawaii, and many other people are periled by a deranged youth who is using a stolen vial of lethal nerve gas in an attempt to avenge his dead father.

[ABC 9:00] The Streets Of San Francisco [Reg]: Most Likely To Succeed
Season 4, episode 14
W: John D. Hess   D: William Hale

With Eric Server (Officer Teague), Kristoffer Tabori (Paul Kincaid), Charles Aidman (Russell Kincaid), Leigh McCloskey (Gil), Brent Collins (Robert Tilton), Devon Ericson (Vicky Kincaid), Patricia Smith (Rae Kincaid), Ben Hammer (Gerald Gardner), Tom Troupe (Tom Hanna), Scott Colomby (Bobby Tilton), Sarah Hardy (Susan Hanna). Stone and Keller investigate the murder of a school teacher, killed the same night that a boy had gone to see him about changing a failing grade.

[NBC 9:00] Ellery Queen [Reg]: The Adventure Of The Blunt Instrument
Season 1, episode 11
W: Robert Van Scoyk, Michael Robert David   D: Ernest Pintoff

With John Dehner (George Tisdale), Eva Gabor (Magda Szomony), Richard Jaeckel (Nick McVey), Dean Stockwell (Cliff Waddell), Keene Curtis (Edgar Manning), Ellen Weston (Mary Parks), Joanna Barnes (Camelia Justice), Robert Casper (Melville), Clyde Kusatsu (Mateo). When mystery writer Edgar Manning wins the annual Blunt Instrument award, he phones Ellery and gloatingly invites him to the victory party. But the call is interrupted when the author is slain.

[CBS 10:00] Barnaby Jones [Reg]: Portrait Of Evil
Season 4, episode 14
W: Robert Sherman   D: Michael Caffey

With Laurence Haddon (Sheriff Cully), Donna Mills (Abby Reinhart), Alan Feinstein (Tony Barrer), Neva Patterson (Liza), Shelly Novack (Ralph Forester), Kurt Kasznar (George Ondray), Peter Hobbs (Walter Morgan), Mavis Neal Palmer (Charlotte Barnard), Kent Taylor (Guthrie Reinhart). The death of a multimillionaire art collector throws a kink into the intricate scheme of his unhappy wife and her artist boyfriend to substitute a forged painting for one of his valuable originals.

[ABC 10:00] Lola [special]
W: Allan Blye, Bob Einstein

With Hal Linden, Muhammad Ali. Lola Falana turns on her not inconsiderable talents in a pulsating variety special. Displaying her impressive singing, dancing and acting talents, Lola zips through a colorful hour with guests Muhammad Ali and Hal Linden of "Barney Miller". The highlight of the hour is Lola's nightclub routine, in which she whips through a huge production number set to disco music and featuring the Lester Wilson dancers. Lola also prances through a disco medley as well as tunes such as "Stormy Weather" and "You're All I Need To Get By".

[NBC 10:00] Medical Story [Reg]: Test Case
Season 1, episode 4

With Vince Edwards (Dr. Douglas Neal), Diane Baker (Dr. Rita Stillman), Laurie Walters, Pernell Roberts (Dr. Louis Kinoy), Dane Clark (Dr. Harold Elwell), Edith Diaz, Malachi Throne (Dr. Martin Rifkin). A gynecologist triggers a storm of protest when he performs an abortion on the mother of five children who had tried to prevent the birth and nearly killed herself.
(Repeat program, originally aired 9/25/1975)

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