Prime-time network TV listings for Saturday February 19, 1977:
Program details:
[CBS 8:00] The Mary Tyler Moore Show [Reg]: Murray Ghosts For Ted
Season 7, episode 20 W: David Lloyd D: Jay Sandrich With Joyce Bulifant (Marie Slaughter), Helen Hunt (Laurie Slaughter). Ted offers Murray $200 to write an article on his behalf. The article becomes a success, but Ted refuses to share the credit with Murray.
[ABC 8:00] Blansky's Beauties [Reg]: Blansky For The Defense
Season 1, episode 2 W: Marc Sotkin, Chris Thompson, Judy Pioli D: Jerry Paris With Linda Henning (Miss Lawler), Lew Horn (Murray), Jane Dulo (Judge). Nancy makes a valiant attempt to create a semblance of normal home life when juvenile authorities investigate to ascertain whether her young nephew is growing up in a proper environment.
[NBC 8:00] Emergency! [Reg]: Family Ties
Season 6, episode 16 W: Carole Raschella, Michael Raschella D: Cliff Bole With James Van Patten (Mark), Dirk Evans (Truck Driver), Howard Honig (Arthur Basye), Susan Lawrence (Susan Basye), Daniel Selby (Brandon), Debi Storm (Toni). Drs. Brackett and Early vie for a choice Hawaiian working vacation assignment.
[CBS 8:30] The Bob Newhart Show [Reg]: Taxation Without Celebration
Season 5, episode 20 W: Sy Rosen D: Peter Bonerz With Will Mackenzie (Larry Bondurant), Vince Martorano (Chauffeur), Drew Michaels (Bellboy). Bob's memory is taxed to the limit when he forgets that April 15 is the federal income tax deadline -- and also the date of the Hartleys' seventh wedding anniversary.
[ABC 8:30] Fish [Reg]: Cold Cash
Season 1, episode 3 W: Bruce Kane, Barbara Corday, Barbara Avedon D: Lee Bernhardi Fish finds that Victor is involved in a numbers game, and also suddenly can't find a file he needs to testify in an important criminal case.
[CBS 9:00] All In The Family [Reg]: Fire
Season 7, episode 22 W: Erik Tarloff D: Paul Bogart With Allan Melvin (Barney Hefner), Liz Torres (Teresa Betancourt), Roger C. Carmel (Mr. Ligway). Archie schemes to increase his insurance claim for a small fire by vandalizing his own house.
[ABC 9:00] Starsky & Hutch [Reg]: Huggy Bear And The Turkey
Season 2, episode 20 W: Ron Friedman D: Jack Starrett With Dale Robinette (J.D. Turquet), Emily Yancy (Foxy Baker), Richard Romanus (Sonny Watson), Carole Cook (Scorchy), LaWanda Page (Lady Blind Bessie), R.G. Armstrong (Dad Watson), Fuddle Bagley (Walter T. Baker), Joe LaDue (Yank), Blackie Dammett (Sugar), Mickey Morton (Moon), Titus Napoleon (Milo), Eddie Lo Russo (Doc Rafferty), Robyn Hilton (Miss O'Toole), Stan Shaw (Leotis). Starsky and Hutch help their friend Huggy Bear and his sidekick get started in the private eye business.
[NBC 9:00] Movie: Rio Lobo (1970)
W: Burton Wohl, Leigh Brackett D: Howard Hawks With John Wayne, Christopher Mitchum, Jennifer O'Neill, Jack Elam, Victor French, Jorge Rivero, Mike Henry. After the Civil War, Cord McNally searches for the traitor whose perfidy caused the defeat of McNally's unit and the loss of a close friend.
[CBS 9:30] 19th Annual Grammy Awards [special]
With Barbra Streisand, Paul Simon, Richard Pryor, The Starland Vocal Band, Fleetwood Mac. Andy Williams hosts the 19th annual Grammy Awards Show, live from the Hollywood Palladium. The awards are presented to honor outstanding artistic and technical achievements in the recording world.
[ABC 10:00] Most Wanted [Reg]: The Tunnel Killer
Season 1, episode 14 D: Harvey Laidman With Stuart Whitman (Jacques Tyler), Robert Yuro (Frank Nelson), Arlene Golonka (Sheila), Norman Alden (Rick Barone), Hal Williams (Rashad), Matthew Labyorteaux (Billy Joe Nelson). A bank robber needs a quick $2 million to finance his debut as a gunrunner.