Thursday June 9, 1977
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Prime-time network TV listings for Thursday June 9, 1977:

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
CBS The Waltons: The Sermon (R) Hawaii Five-O: Heads, You're Dead (R) Barnaby Jones: Band Of Evil (R)
ABC Welcome Back, Kotter: Chicken A La Kotter (R) What's Happening: My Three Tons (R) Barney Miller: Fire '77 (R) Fish: Fire (R) Fidel Castro Speaks
NBC The Sunshine Boys (R) TV Movie: Charlie Cobb: Nice Night For A Hanging (1977)


Program details:

[CBS 8:00] The Waltons [Reg]: The Sermon
Season 4, episode 1
W: Kathleen Hite   D: Harry Harris

With Cindy Eilbacher (Martha Rose Coverdale), Mariclare Costello (Miss Hunter), Nora Marlowe (Mrs. Brimmer), John Ritter (Rev. Matthew Fordwick), Basil Hoffman (Professor Ranney). The fourth season starts with John-Boy being appointed preacher-for-a-day, and although the family is bursting with pride at the honor, John-Boy is fearful and unsure of himself.
(Repeat program, originally aired 9/11/1975)

[ABC 8:00] Welcome Back, Kotter [Reg]: Chicken A La Kotter
Season 2, episode 17
W: Raymond Siller   D: Bob Lahendro

With Stephen Pearlman (Diner Owner). Gabe, in need of money for a root canal, takes a second job as a restaurant mascot.
(Repeat program, originally aired 1/27/1977)

[NBC 8:00] The Sunshine Boys [special]
With Red Buttons, Lionel Stander. Comedy pilot. Cantankerous vaudevillians are persuaded to reunite for a comeback.
(Repeat program)

[ABC 8:30] What's Happening [Reg]: My Three Tons
Season 1, episode 4
W: Jim Mulligan   D: Alan Rafkin

With Stu Gilliam (Gary), Wolfman Jack (Emcee), Danny Wells (Bert Frederick), Don Sherman (Sammy Persky), Jack Knight (Owner), Ronalda Douglas (Secretary), Oliver Givens (Dancer), Tim Pelt (Agent), Bobby Griffin (Frankie Taylor). Rerun lands a job with a famous dance group, but Dwayne learns they really want to make him the butt of "fat jokes",
(Repeat program, originally aired 8/26/1976)

[CBS 9:00] Hawaii Five-O [Reg]: Heads, You're Dead
Season 9, episode 8
W: Herman Groves   D: Bruce Bilson

With Lou Richards (Jim Thompson), Jack Hogan (Lt. Commander Brannen), Jerry Boyd (Powers), Paul Koslo (Charlie Turner), John Lisbon Wood (Bama Melton), Bryant Young (Yoshi), Lloyd Campbell (Lyle Thompson), Roy Damron (Ramsey), Coralie Vellis (Celeste Thompson), Frank Kane (Eldon), John Thorp (Murphy), Carl Tovares (Captain Van Cleef), Skip Lambert (Richie). Tragedy strikes the annual Trans-Pac race from California to Hawaii, bringing McGarrett and his agents into the sporty yachting scene.
(Repeat program, originally aired 11/11/1976)

[ABC 9:00] Barney Miller [Reg]: Fire '77
Season 3, episode 15
W: Tony Sheehan   D: Bruce Bilson

With Howard Platt (Lawrence Weiskoff), Russell Shannon (Fireman), Sal Viscuso (Thomas Vitella), K Callan (Gwen Baxter). Barney and Wojo battle a squad room fire while a church robber wants out of his cell and a young couple consider staying in the station house to complete their "suicide pact".
(Repeat program, originally aired 1/27/1977)

[NBC 9:00] TV Movie: Charlie Cobb: Nice Night For A Hanging (1977)
W: Peter S. Fischer   D: Richard Michaels

With Clu Gulager, Stella Stevens, Pernell Roberts, Ralph Bellamy, Blair Brown, George Furth, Tricia O'Neil, Christopher Connelly. A California rancher hires a private detective to deliver the rancher's long-lost daughter to him.

[ABC 9:30] Fish [Reg]: Fire
Season 1, episode 8
W: Reinhold Weege   D: Dennis Steinmetz

With Steve Landesburg (Arthur Dietrich). When an empty house down the block goes up in flames, Victor is considered the possible arsonist.
(Repeat program, originally aired 4/2/1977)

[CBS 10:00] Barnaby Jones [Reg]: Band Of Evil
Season 5, episode 6
W: Robert W. Lenski   D: Walter Grauman

With Annette O'Toole (Cas Carter), Andrew Robinson (Sonny Holland), John David Carson (Walt Gornett), Devon Ericson (Lois Lambert), Kenneth Tobey (Tommy Allen), Roberta Leighton (Vanessa Pickering), Josh Taylor (Les Sayer). A citizen's band radio conversation overheard by a rancher's daughter becomes an important clue in the disappearance of a bronc-buster employee who spotted a break in the property's fence and then dropped out of sight.
(Repeat program, originally aired 11/18/1976)

[ABC 10:00] Fidel Castro Speaks [special] Barbara Walters interviews the Cuban Premier.

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