Wednesday January 30, 1980
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Sports headlines for Wednesday January 30, 1980:

Scores through round 1 of the 1980 Bing Crosby National Pro-Am

Tournament held at Pebble Beach Golf Links (Pebble Beach, CA) from January 30, 1980 to February 2, 1980     (Par 72)

RankNameRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4To ParTotalWinnings
1Tom Kite66-666$5,625
1Jerry Pate66-666$3,651
3David Edwards67-567$9,038
4John Mahaffey68-468$14,400
4David Graham68-468$5,625
4Tom Watson68-468$5,625
4Jim Nelford68-468$1,200
4Gene Littler68-468$0
9Mike Reid69-369$9,038
9Jack Nicklaus69-369$7,200
9Steve Melnyk69-369$5,625
9Mike Sullivan69-369$636
13Larry Nelson70-270$14,400
13Keith Fergus70-270$14,400
13Bill Kratzert70-270$14,400
13Gil Morgan70-270$9,038
13Tom Weiskopf70-270$9,038
13Scott Watkins70-270$1,475
13Lanny Wadkins70-270$826
13Tommy Aaron70-270$682
13Bill Calfee70-270$636
13Bobby Walzel70-270$0
23George Burns71-171$54,000
23Dave Hill71-171$2,241
23Ed Fiori71-171$2,241
23Dan Halldorson71-171$1,736
23Tim Simpson71-171$1,200
23Mike McCullough71-171$1,200
23Jerry McGee71-171$1,200
23Tommy Valentine71-171$826
23Ben Crenshaw71-171$682
23Dana Quigley71-171$682
23Victor Regalado71-171$636
23Rod Funseth71-171$636
23Lou Graham71-171$636
23Peter Jacobsen71-171$0
23Jack Ferenz71-171$0
23Bob Irving71-171$0
23Chi Chi Rodriguez71-171$0
23Greg Powers71-171$0
23Michael Brannan71-171$0
23Doug Campbell71-171$0
43Dan Pohl72Even72$32,400
43Bobby Wadkins72Even72$3,651
43Hubert Green72Even72$3,651
43Johnny Miller72Even72$3,651
43Buddy Gardner72Even72$2,241
43Ray Floyd72Even72$1,736
43Orville Moody72Even72$826
43Lee Elder72Even72$682
43Brad Bryant72Even72$682
43Rod Curl72Even72$636
43Hale Irwin72Even72$0
43Dave Eichelberger72Even72$0
43Ed Sneed72Even72$0
43Tom Jones72Even72$0
43Barry Jaeckel72Even72$0
43Joe Kunes72Even72$0
59George Archer73+173$7,200
59Fuzzy Zoeller73+173$3,651
59Gibby Gilbert73+173$3,651
59Craig Stadler73+173$2,241
59Leonard Thompson73+173$2,241
59Jim Colbert73+173$2,241
59D.A. Weibring73+173$1,736
59Andy North73+173$1,200
59Terry Mauney73+173$826
59John Fought73+173$682
59Gary Koch73+173$0
59Mitch Mooney73+173$0
59Alan Tapie73+173$0
59Bruce Devlin73+173$0
59Scott Simpson73+173$0
59Mark McCumber73+173$0
59Bob Boldt73+173$0
59Mike Peck73+173$0
77Jim Simons74+274$4,800
77John N. Cook74+274$3,651
77Bob Murphy74+274$1,736
77Gary McCord74+274$1,475
77Mark Hayes74+274$1,475
77Curtis Strange74+274$682
77Bruce Fleisher74+274$636
77Bruce Ashworth74+274$606
77Al Geiberger74+274$0
77Tom Storey74+274$0
77Don Bies74+274$0
77Lon Hinkle74+274$0
77Larry Ziegler74+274$0
77Mike Souchak74+274$0
91Pat McGowan75+375$1,200
91John Schroeder75+375$826
91Kermit Zarley75+375$0
91Jack Renner75+375$0
91Peter Oosterhuis75+375$0
91Tom Jenkins75+375$0
91Dow Finsterwald75+375$0
91John Mazza75+375$0
91Arnold Palmer75+375$0
91Maurie Ver Brugge75+375$0
91Dave Barr75+375$0
91Tom Shaw75+375$0
91Bruce Summerhays75+375$0
91Lyn Lott75+375$0
91Gardner Dickinson75+375$0
91Gay Brewer75+375$0
91Rex Caldwell75+375$0
91Bob Gilder75+375$0
109Wayne Levi76+476$2,241
109Jay Haas76+476$826
109Frank Conner76+476$826
109Bud Allin76+476$682
109Ron Terry76+476$0
109George Cadle76+476$0
109Bob Lunn76+476$0
109John Adams76+476$0
109Vance Heafner76+476$0
109Bob Proben76+476$0
109Mark Pfeil76+476$0
109Jeff Thomsen76+476$0
121Joe Hager77+577$0
121John Lister77+577$0
121Forrest Fezler77+577$0
121Roger Calvin77+577$0
121Mike White77+577$0
121Lonnie Nielsen77+577$0
121Doug Sanders77+577$0
121Ed Byman77+577$0
121Buddy Whitten77+577$0
121Allen Miller77+577$0
121Bob Mann77+577$0
121Bob Zender77+577$0
121Ernie George77+577$0
134Lindy Miller78+678$826
134Scott Hoch78+678$0
134Charlie Epps78+678$0
134Mike Morley78+678$0
134David Thore78+678$0
134Ron Streck78+678$0
134Pete Brown78+678$0
134Billy Casper78+678$0
142Andy Bean79+779$612
142Roger Maltbie79+779$0
142Scott Stegner79+779$0
142Bobby Nichols79+779$0
142Rick Rhoads79+779$0
142Art Wall79+779$0
142Jim Langley79+779$0
142John Lotz79+779$0
142David Canipe79+779$0
151Johnny Pott80+880$0
152Don Massengale82+1082$0
153Stan Lee83+1183$0
153Jim Von Lossow83+1183$0
155Lance Ten Broeck84+1284$0

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