Monday April 14, 1980
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Monday April 14, 1980

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • A positive report on the hostages in the American Embassy in Teheran was made by a Swiss doctor and a Swiss Red Cross official. They said after eight hours of interviews with the captives that they all seemed to be in generally good health, both physically and mentally. The Red Cross official said he had made a complete list of their names, addresses and telephone numbers and had obtained personal written messages from every hostage to relatives and friends.

    A united Common Market plan was being sought in urgent talks on how to support American policy toward Iran. But doubts persisted over the wisdom of closing embassies and imposing economic sanctions. [New York Times]

  • The U.S. will admit up to 3,500 Cubans, the White House said. The announcement urged other countries to act speedily to grant asylum to the thousands of other Cubans who have jammed the Peruvian Embassy grounds in Havana seeking resettlement.

    Protests by Cubans in Miami over the plight of those in Havana seeking asylum have involved hunger strikes, miles-long marches and day-and-night car horn honking. The demonstrations have evoked anger among some Miamians, who say that 500,000 Cubans there are enough. [New York Times]

  • A health check on the nuclear accident at the Three Mile Island power plant a year ago found no evidence that the radiation released caused any damage to unborn children that resulted in birth defects or death during infancy. The conclusion was made by federal and Pennsylvania health officials after an analysis of all available data. [New York Times]
  • A prison term for Marvin Mandel seemed imminent as the Supreme Court unanimously declined to hear an appeal by the former Governor of Maryland on a corruption conviction. He is expected to begin serving within 30 days a four-year term imposed on him in 1977. [New York Times]
  • The equal rights amendment drive is being pressed in Illinois as an economic issue by the National Organization for Women, which said that entire families suffered because of discrimination against women. [New York Times]
  • A campaign spending law was upheld unanimously by the Supreme Court as it affirmed that a presidential nominee who accepts public financing may not raise additional private funds. The law makes $29.4 million available to both the Democratic and Republican presidential nominee, but a candidate who accepts the money must agree to spend no more than that total. [New York Times]
  • "Kramer vs. Kramer" won the Oscar for best picture at the Academy Awards. Dustin Hoffman won the actor's award for his role in the film, and Sally Field took the actress's prize for her work in "Norma Rae." [New York Times]
  • Middle East peace efforts continued as Prime Minister Begin of Israel arrived in Washington for talks with President Carter that American officials hope will lead to accelerated negotiations for Palestinian autonomy in occupied territories. [New York Times]
  • Declining Soviet oil reserves are expected to lead Moscow in the coming decade to compete with the West for the reserves in the Persian Gulf region, according to American intelligence aides and energy experts. Specialists are said to have told Congress that Soviet oil production will drop within five years. [New York Times]
  • Serious problems for the U.S. Navy have resulted from maintaining a large flotilla in the Indian Ocean, according to officials. Naval officers and civilian experts said that the operation had created morale difficulties in the Navy and had strained its capacity to carry out other missions. [New York Times]

Stock Market Report

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 784.90 (-6.65, -0.84%)
S&P Composite: 102.84 (-0.95, -0.92%)
Arms Index: 1.93

Total Volume23.06
* in millions of shares

Arms Index is the ratio of volume per declining issue to volume per advancing issue; a figure below 1.0 is bullish.

Market Index Trends
April 11, 1980791.55103.7929.96
April 10, 1980791.47104.0833.95
April 9, 1980785.92103.1133.02
April 8, 1980775.00101.2031.69
April 7, 1980768.34100.1929.13
April 3, 1980784.13102.1527.96
April 2, 1980787.80102.6835.20
April 1, 1980784.47102.1832.03
March 31, 1980785.75102.0935.85
March 28, 1980777.65100.6846.71

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