Thursday February 5, 1981
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Prime-time network TV listings for Thursday February 5, 1981:

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
CBS The Waltons: The Tempest Magnum, P.I.: Missing In Action Knots Landing: A State Of Mind
ABC Mork & Mindy: Twelve Angry Appliances Bosom Buddies: Gotta Dance Barney Miller: The Psychic Taxi: Latka's Cookies 20/20
NBC Buck Rogers In The 25th Century: Mark Of The Saurian A Love Letter To Jack Benny


Program details:

[CBS 8:00] The Waltons [Reg]: The Tempest
Season 9, episode 10
W: E.F. Wallengren   D: Gabrielle Beaumont

With Richard Gilliland (Jonesy Jones), Pamela McMyler (Betty Howell), Lewis Arquette (J.D. Pickett), Scott Hylands (Curt Packard). Curt is in fact still alive and living in Florida, but when Mary Ellen visits him she discovers that he is quite a different person from the man she remembers; J.D. begs Erin to come back to work.

[ABC 8:00] Mork & Mindy [Reg]: Twelve Angry Appliances
Season 3, episode 11
W: Jeff Reno, Ron Osborn   D: Howard Storm

With Amy Tenowich (Lola), Richard Libertini (Mr. Strand), Jonathan Ian (Jonathan), Stephanie Kayano (Stephanie). Mork gets revenge when a dishonest repairman refuses to fix Mindy's stereo, by putting him on trial before a jury of broken appliances.

[NBC 8:00] Buck Rogers In The 25th Century [Reg]: Mark Of The Saurian
Season 2, episode 4
W: Francis Moss   D: Barry Crane

With Paul Carr (Lt. Devlin), Linden Chiles (Ambassador Cabot), Vernon Weddle (Dr. Moray), Kim Hamilton (Nurse Paulton), Stacy Keach Sr. (Senior Officer), Barry Cahill (Major Elif). The Saurians plot to destroy the Searcher and start a galactic war by infiltrating the starship and a space station in human disguise. Only Buck, who has contracted a strange virus, is able to see the true form of the Saurians, but no one believes him.

[ABC 8:30] Bosom Buddies [Reg]: Gotta Dance
Season 1, episode 10
W: David Lerner, Bruce Ferber   D: Will Mackenzie

With Frank Birney (Mr. Gregory), Al Eisenmann (Mikey), Nyla Rogers (Audrey), Tommy Peel (Chad). Kip uses the public library commercial he's directing as an excuse to hire Sonny as a dancer, hoping to kick-start her career and keep her from returning home to Michigan.

[CBS 9:00] Magnum, P.I. [Reg]: Missing In Action
Season 1, episode 9
W: Craig Buck, Ken Pettus   D: Robert Loggia

With Lance LeGault (Agent Newton), Francisco Lagueruela (Eric Tobin), Rebecca Holden (Laura Frasier), Patrick Bishop (Pat), Remi Abellira (Moki). A new singer at the King Kamehameha Club who claims to have psychic visions hires Magnum to find her fiancee, a Marine who has been listed as MIA since the Vietnam War but who she now believes is nearby.

[ABC 9:00] Barney Miller [Reg]: The Psychic
Season 7, episode 11
W: Tony Sheehan, Frank Dungan, Jeff Stein   D: Noam Pitlik

With Fred Sadoff (Ronald Hanna), Kenneth Tigar (Philip Pollock), Rod Colbin (Mr. Joyce), Larry Hankin (Earl Kelso), Robert Burgos (John Gittes). An accused mugger claims that he was answering a psychic vision; a language professor takes vandalistic umbrage to a grammatically incorrect billboard.

[NBC 9:00] A Love Letter To Jack Benny [special] George Burns, Bob Hope and Johnny Carson are hosts for an all-star tribute to the late comedian, featuring clips from his television series and various specials.

[ABC 9:30] Taxi [Reg]: Latka's Cookies
Season 3, episode 8
W: Glen Charles, Les Charles   D: James Burrows

With Wally Amos (Himself). Latka's inherits his grandmother's cookie recipe upon her death. He intends to go into business with the recipe, but there's a catch -- it contains a special ingredient.

[CBS 10:00] Knots Landing [Reg]: A State Of Mind
Season 2, episode 11
W: Robert Gilmer   D: Alexander Singer

With Bobby Jacoby (Brian), Danny Gellis (Jason), Bernard Behrens (Michael Maddox), Chip Frye (Young Man), Barry Jenner (Jeff Cunningham). When her ex files for custody of their children by accusing her of immoral behavior and child neglect, Abby fights back with her most effective weapon: sex.

[ABC 10:00] 20/20

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