Sunday September 9, 1973
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Sunday September 9, 1973

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • In a nationwide radio broadcast, President Nixon asked for cooperation from Congress on legislation that the President deems important. Throughout his speech Nixon insisted that Watergate be forgotten, and he stated that the President and Congress must cooperate. The President desires that Congress share the blame with him for America's problems.

    Senate minority leader Hugh Scott said that Congress has cooperated with the President. Assistant Democratic leader Robert Byrd believes that the President's conciliatory tone is a good sign. Congress is beginning to feel some blame shifting to them from the president's own mistakes.

    Nixon will send his new State of the Union message to Congress as a reconciliation gesture. A breakfast meeting is also planned with congressional leaders of both parties. [NBC]

  • Time magazine reported that White House assistant Steven Bull delivered several Watergate tape recordings to the President last June. Bull's versions of the story differs from the President's. [NBC]
  • Vice President Spiro Agnew believes that the Republican party has survived the worst of the Watergate scandal. Speaking in St. Charles, Illinois, Agnew reaffirmed his support for President Nixon in the Watergate affair. No reference was made to the Agnew corruption probe. [NBC]
  • Possible presidential candidate John Connally impressed Republicans at their convention in San Diego, charging that Watergate won't cause the party's downfall unless Republicans allow it. California Governor Ronald Reagan -- another possible presidential candidate -- soothed Republicans at the convention by noting elections since Watergate which were won by Republicans. [NBC]
  • Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel announced plans to leave Mrs. Mandel last July, but Mrs. Mandel refused to leave the Governors Mansion; now she plans to work for her husband's re-election next year. [NBC]
  • Increased demand abroad for American grain has led to lower supplies here and higher bread and flour prices. Controlling exports to other countries would solve the problem. But if U.S. grain exports were controlled, food distribution in needy countries would be affected.

    Japan buys more American farm products than any other foreign market. The Japanese depend on overseas sources for most of their food. Latin American food programs are supplied by U.S. grains and paid for with U.S. tax money. If grain supplies are cut, the nutritional gains made by children in those poor countries will be reversed.

    If export controls are not imposed, wheat farmers will benefit from the higher prices. Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz insists that no export controls will be implemented, but President Nixon may override Butz. Farmers are opposed to controls, and the administration doesn't want to impose them, but foreign countries buy more American food than the U.S. has to spare. Public opinion and Congress are likely to force the Nixon administration to institute and enforce export controls. [NBC]

  • Communist and government troops continued fighting for control of Kompong Cham in Cambodia. [NBC]
  • Australian John Newcombe won the U.S. Open men's singles tennis championship at Forest Hills, New York. [NBC]
  • Senator Daniel Inouye revealed each of his contributors and the amount of their contributions at a recent fund raising dinner. [NBC]
  • Inmates at Attica state prison in New York revolted two years ago today. Attica has made changes since the uprising. Overcrowding is now relieved and freedom for prisoners has increased. Inmates at two other state prisons recently staged uprisings, but released hostages after receiving promises of reform. One warden expressed sorrow over the occurrence, but agreed that such drastic measures do bring results regarding prison reform. [NBC]
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