Saturday June 3, 1978
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

News stories from Saturday June 3, 1978

Summaries of the stories the major media outlets considered to be of particular importance on this date:

  • California's taxpayers' revolt is one of many across the country. Californians are expected to approve a proposition in Tuesday's primary that would slash property taxes to $5 billion a year from $12 billion. And legislatures in 23 states have called for a constitutional amendment banning federal budget deficits, and there are campaigns for limitations on local government spending and taxation in about half of the states. [New York Times]
  • Top Ford Motor Company officials only partly succeeded in stopping a subsidiary's plan to pay a $2 million bribe to an Indonesian general, according to information now available to the company. The subsidiary agreed in 1975 to pay the general to secure a large telecommunications contract in Indonesia, a transaction now under investigation by the Justice Department. [New York Times]
  • The government has prepared plans to minimize damage and loss of life when, as is believed inevitable, a major earthquake strikes this country. The President's Office of Science and Technology Policy will submit the plans to Congress in a week or two. [New York Times]
  • Cleveland's Mayor, Dennis Kucinich, won a 10-day court-ordered reprieve from efforts to recall him from office, but his opponents say they have enough signatures on petitions to force a recall election if the courts rule in their favor after a hearing June 12. The recall effort is dominated by people who voted against the 31-year-old Mr. Kucinich last fall. [New York Times]
  • A slowdown in the strategic arms talks with Moscow has been caused by a surprise proposal by the Russians to ban the testing and deployment of all new Soviet and American intercontinental missiles through 1985, administration officials said. The proposal was made last weekend at the White House by Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. It was rejected by American negotiators at a five-hour session in New York on Wednesday. [New York Times]
  • President Carter will deliver a major policy speech on Wednesday on relations with the Soviet Union at the graduation exercises of the Naval Academy in Annapolis. Administration officials said that the speech was meant to provide a coherent policy, ending the appearance of different points of view being expressed by Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security affairs adviser, with the President seeming to move from one side to the other. [New York Times]
  • Amid charges of vote-rigging, Gen. Ziaur Rahman won a sweeping victory in returns in Bangladesh's presidential election, the first since he took control of the country two and a half years ago, "There were very, very extensive irregularities around the country," said Gen. M.A.G. Osmani, the principal opposition candidate. [New York Times]
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