Thursday January 26, 1978
. . . where the 1970s live forever!

Prime-time network TV listings for Thursday January 26, 1978:

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
CBS The Waltons: The Festival Barnaby Jones: Final Judgment
ABC Welcome Back, Kotter: There's No Business Like Show Business (1) Fish: A Fine Kettle Of Fish Barney Miller: Rape Carter Country: Ballots For Burnside The Redd Foxx Show News Special
NBC CHiPs: Vintage '54 James At 15: Star-Crossed Lovers Class Of '65: The Class Clown


Program details:

[CBS 8:00] The Waltons [Reg]: The Festival
Season 6, episode 16
W: Michael McGreevey   D: Gwen Arner

With Rachel Longaker (Aimee Godsey), Lynn Hamilton (Verdie Foster), Hal Williams (Harley Foster), Steve Shaw (George Simmons), Kathleen O'Malley (Mrs. Wilkens), James Bond III (Josh Foster), T.K. Carter (Jodie Foster). Jason is delighted to team up musically with his talented black friend Josh, but when they plan to play a duet together at the spring festival, the boys are confronted by the frustrations of discrimination.

[ABC 8:00] Welcome Back, Kotter [Reg]: There's No Business Like Show Business (1)
Season 3, episode 20
W: Gabriel Kaplan   D: Bob Claver

With Sam Weisman (Peter Charnoff), Michael Preminger (Eddie Mincer), Melonie Haller (Angie Globagoski). The Sweathogs convince Kotter to start a career as a comedian.

[NBC 8:00] CHiPs [Reg]: Vintage '54
Season 1, episode 16
W: Mort Thaw   D: Barry Crane

With Nick Pellegrino (Kevin), Tom Pedi (Bruno), Jennifer McAllister (Ellen), Aldine King (Gilbert), Jim Goodwin (Van Driver), Ellen Geer (Martha), Tanya Russell (Skydiver), Jeri Lea Ray (Webb), Marjorie Bennett (Mrs. Downey), Marc Alaimo (Bix), Jed Allan (Jason), Pepe Serna (Danny). A skydiver snagged on a freeway ramp, an infant left behind during a car swap, and a rash of vintage automobile thefts plague the CHP.

[ABC 8:30] Fish [Reg]: A Fine Kettle Of Fish
Season 2, episode 12
W: Norman Barasch, Roy Kammerman   D: Gary Shimokawa

With Norman Bartold (Kellerman), Erica Yohn (Harriet). Is Bernice involved with another man? Will Fish be arrested for fraud? Are the kids starving? A Social Services inspector comes to investigate.

[CBS 9:00] Barnaby Jones [Reg]: Final Judgment
Season 6, episode 18
W: Gerald Sanford   D: Walter Grauman

With Marj Dusay (Jennifer Allen), Sherry Jackson (Erica Hughes), Susan Sullivan (Linda Gates), Robert Webber (Gene Gates), Jill Choder (Hayley Winters), Tony Colti (Mike Wolfe), Hal England (Phil Anderson). A convicted kidnapper's wife wants Barnaby to reopen the investigation which sent her husband to jail, or she will commit suicide.

[ABC 9:00] Barney Miller [Reg]: Rape
Season 4, episode 15
W: Dennis Koenig   D: Noam Pitlik

With Linda Dano (Leslie Dornan), Michael Pataki (Marvin Lindsay), Joyce Jameson (Catherine Lindsay), William Bogert (Neil Korchak), Dick Balduzzi (Mr. Duggan), Harvey Gold (Ross). A woman charges her husband with rape, while the officers chase a robber who dresses like a priest.

[NBC 9:00] James At 15 [Reg]: Star-Crossed Lovers
Season 1, episode 10
W: Bernie Kahn, Dan Wakefield   D: Peter Levin

With Wolfman Jack (Announcer), Richard O'Brien (Frank Mahoney), Michael Talbott (Casey Mahoney), Randy Richards (Dusty). James and Sly grow uneasy when the normally restrained Marlene falls for a vagabond singer who exploits her devotion.

[ABC 9:30] Carter Country [Reg]: Ballots For Burnside
Season 1, episode 17
W: Tom Moore, Jeremy Stevens   D: Peter Baldwin

With J.A. Preston (Jesse Haskell), Owen Bush, Earl Montgomery, Joseph G. Medalis. Chief Roy and Curtis find an unopened ballot box in the City Hall basement, indicating that Mayor Teddy might not be the rightful mayor of the town.

[ABC 10:00] The Redd Foxx Show

[NBC 10:00] Class Of '65 [Reg]: The Class Clown
Season 1, episode 8
W: Robert Janes   D: Ron Satlof

With Robin Mattson (Linda), Steve Allen (Talk Show Host), Michael Lembeck (Nick Romansky), Susan Berlin (Gillian English), William Sylvester (Kelly), Reb Brown (Butkus), John Calvin (Wilson), Ron Hajak (Buck). A talk-show host gives a fledgling comedian a chance to score -- or flop.

[ABC 10:30] News Special The Republican party's response to President Carter's State of the Union Address.

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